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靳明亮 博士
百人计划研究员 | 博士生导师
2021-07-11 | 28786
  • 紫金港校区农生环E419室
    • 肠道微生物与免疫



承担国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金重点项目、国际科学基金、中国博士后科学基金特别资助等项目或课题10余项。在Microbiome、Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology、Carbohydrate Polymers等期刊发表SCI论文70余篇,以第一作者/通讯作者(含共同)共发表SCI论文26篇,其中IF>5.0的SCI论文19篇,总被引用2390余次,2篇合作文章入选ESI高被引论文。荣获陕西省科技进步二等奖1项,获中国畜牧兽医学会“第四届井冈新秀”荣誉称号及动物营养学分会青年学者论坛优秀奖。同时担任中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会理事及副秘书长。

1.    教育经历

2006.09-2011.06:   博士研究生,浙江大学,动物营养与饲料科学

2002.09-2006.06:   学士,南京农业大学,动物科学

2.    工作经历

2020.08-至今:          百人计划研究员,浙江大学

2019.05-2020.07:   特聘研究员,浙江大学

2014.05-2019.04:    副教授,西北工业大学

2018.07-2018.08:    访问学者,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学

2015.09-2017.02:    访问学者,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学

2013.07-2014.04:    讲师,西北工业大学

2011.07-2013.06:    博士后,西北工业大学

2011.07-2011.08:    访问学者,美国密苏里州立大学哥伦比亚分校


1. 慕课课程:猪文化与人类健康

2. 研究生课程:分子生物学实验

3. 研究生课程:现代农业创新与乡村振兴战略


1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金:猪消化道微生物与碳水化合物代谢,2021-2023,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:白术多糖对断奶应激诱导肠粘膜屏障损伤的调控作用及机制研究,2018-2020,主持。

3. 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目:基于益生活性的仔猪结肠菌群对不同类型膳食纤维的动态响应机制研究,2020-2023,主持。

4. 浙江大学基本科研业务费专项资金青年科研创新专项:肠道菌群在木耳多糖干预高脂诱导肥胖中的作用及机制研究,2020-2021,主持。

5. 浙江大学“以民促J”基础培育计划项目:****对肠道屏障功能的影响及肠道微生物机制研究,2021.3-2021.12,主持。

6. 浙江大学百人计划科研启动经费,2021-2025,主持。

7. 横向课题:断奶幼龄动物肠道菌群的营养调控研究,2021-2022,主持。

8. 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目: 基于微生物区系研究模拟失重对肠黏膜屏障功能的影响,2017-2018,主持。

9. 国际科学基金:Preparation, structural characterization and antiviral activities of sulfated polysaccharides from Astragalus membranaceus,2012-2014,主持。

10. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:基于Toll样受体通路研究模拟失重对肠道免疫功能的影响,2013-2014,主持。

11. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:模拟微重力环境下灵芝多糖硫酸酯化衍生物对肠道免疫功能的调控及其机理研究,2011-2013,主持。

12. 中央高校基本科研业务费科研资助项目:白术多糖对模拟失重诱导肠黏膜屏障功能障碍的调控作用及机制研究,2017-2018,主持。

13. 中央高校基本科研业务费科研资助项目:肠道微生态在模拟失重诱导肠黏膜损伤中的作用及机制研究,2014-2016,主持。



[1].   Wang, C., Wei, S.Y., Chen, N.N., Xiang, Y., Wang, Y.Z., Jin, M.L.* Characteristics of gut microbiota in pigs with different breeds, growth periods and genders. Microbial Biotechnology. 2021, 1-12. (IF=5.813)

[2].    Zong, X., Cheng, Y.Z., Xiao, X., Fu, J., Wang, F.Q., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, Y.Z., Jin, M.L.* Protective effects of sulfated polysaccharide from Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 against DSS-induced intestinal injury via DNA methylation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 183: 861-869. (IF=6.953)

[3].    Zong, X., Xiao, X., Kai, L.X., Cheng, Y.Z., Fu, J., Xu, W., Wang, Y.Z., Zhao, K., Jin, M.L.* Atractylodis macrocephalae polysaccharides protect against DSS-induced intestinal injury through a novel lncRNA ITSN1-OT1. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 167: 76-84. (IF=6.953)

[4].    Su, W., Jiang, Z.P, Hao, L.H., Li, W.T., Gong, T., Zhang, Y., Wang, C., Lu, Z.Q.*, Jin, M.L.*, Wang, Y.Z.* Variations of soybean meal and corn mixed substrates in physicochemical characteristics and microbiota during two-stage solid-state fermentation. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021, 12: 1856. (IF=5.64)

[5].    Xu, B.C., Fu, J., Qiao, Y., Cao, J.P., Deehan, E.C., Li, Z., Jin, M.L.*, Wang, X.X.*, Wang, Y.Z.* Higher intake of microbiota-accessible carbohydrates and improved cardiometabolic risk factors: a meta-analysis and umbrella review of dietary management in patients with type 2 diabetes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2021, 113(6): 1515-1530. (IF=7.045)

[6].    Zong, X., Fu, J., Xu, B.C., Wang, Y.Z., Jin, M.L.* Interplay between gut microbiota and antimicrobial peptides. Animal Nutrition. 2020, 6: 389-396. (IF=6.383)

[7].   Chen, N.N.#, Zhang, H. #, Zong, X., Li, S.Y., Wang, J.J., Wang, Y.Z., Jin, M.L.* Polysaccharides from Auricularia auricula: Preparation, structural features and biological activities.Carbohydrate Polymers. 2020, 247: 116750. (IF=9.381)

[8].   Chen, N.N.#, Zhao, X.Y.#, Wang, F.Q., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, Y.Z., Jin, M.L.Proteomic study of sulfated polysaccharide from Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 against H2O2-induced oxidative damage in murine macrophages.Carbohydrate Polymers. 2020, 237: 116147.(IF=9.381)

[9].   Xu, B.C., Fu, J., Zhu, L.Y., Li, Z., Wang, Y.Z., Jin, M.L.* Overall assessment of antimicrobial peptides in piglets: a set of meta-analyses. Animal. 2020, 1-9.

[10].Xu, B.C., Zhu, L.Y., Fu, J., Li, Z., Wang, Y.Z., Jin, M.L.* Overall assessment of fermented feed for pigs: a series of meta-analysesJournal of Animal Science. 2019, 12: 4810-4821.

[11].Jin, M.L., Wang, J.J., Zhang, H., Zhou, H.B., Zhao, K.* Simulated weightlessness perturbs the intestinal metabolomic profile of ratsFrontiers in Physiology, 2019, 10: 1279.

[12].Jin, M.L., Kalainy, S., Baskota, N., Chiang, D., Deehan, E.D., McDougall, C., Tandon, P., Martínez, I., Cervera, C., Walter, J.*, Abraldes, J.G.* Faecal microbiota from patients with cirrhosis has a low capacity to ferment non-digestible carbohydrates into short chain fatty acidsLiver International. 2019, 39: 1437-1447. (IF=5.828)

[13].Jin, M.L., Zhang, H., Wang, J.J., Shao, D.Y., Yang, H., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L., Xu, C.L.*, Zhao, K.* Response of intestinal metabolome to polysaccharides from mycelia of Ganoderma lucidumInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 122: 723-731.(IF=6.953)

[14].Jin, M.L., Zhang, H., Zhao, K., Xu, C.L., Shao, D. Y., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L., Yang, H.* Responses of intestinal mucosal barrier functions of rats to simulated weightlessnessFrontiers in Physiology. 2018, 9: 729.

[15].Jin, M.L.*, Zhu, Y.M., Shao, D.Y., Zhao, K., Xu, C.L., Li, Q., Yang, H., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. Effects of polysaccharide from mycelia of Ganoderma lucidum on intestinal barrier functions of ratsInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2017, 94: 1-9. (IF=6.953)

[16].Xu, C.L.*, Guo, Y., Qiao, X.J., Shang, X.Y., Niu, W.N., Jin, M.L.* Design, recombinant fusion expression and biological evaluation of vasoactive intestinal peptide analogue as novel antimicrobial agentMolecules. 2017, 22: 1963.

[17].Zhao, K.#, Jin, M.L.#, Chen, Q., Zheng, P.S.* Polysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae induce apoptosis in cervical cancer cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2015, 72: 960-964. (IF=6.953)

[18].Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.M., Huang, M., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, Y.Z.* Sulphation can enhance the antioxidant activity of polysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2014, 99: 624-629. (IF=9.381)

[19].Jin, M.L., Zhao, K., Huang, Q.S., Shang, P.* Structural features and biological activities of the polysaccharides from Astragalus membranaceusInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2014, 64: 257-266. (IF=6.953)

[20].Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Zhao, K., Shang, P.* Biological activities and potential health benefit effects of polysaccharides isolated from Lycium barbarum L. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2013, 54: 16-23. (IF=6.953)

[21].Jin, M.L., Zhao, K., Huang, Q.S., Shang, P.* Preparation, structure and biological activities of exopolysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacaeAsian Journal of Chemistry. 2013, 25: 9101-9104.

[22].Jin, M.L., Zhao, K., Huang, Q.S., Xu, C.L., Shang, P.* Isolation, structure and bioactivities of the polysaccharides from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2012, 89: 713-722(IF=9.381)

[23].Jin, M.L., Lu, Z.Q., Huang, M., Wang, Y.M., Wang, Y.Z.* Effect of Se-enriched polysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 on alloxan-induced diabetic mice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2012, 50: 348-352. (IF=6.953)

[24].Jin, M.L., Lu, Z.Q., Huang, M., Wang, Y.M., Wang, Y.Z.* Sulfated modification and antioxidant activity of exopolysaccahrides produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2011, 48: 607-612. (IF=6.953)

[25].Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.M., Huang, M., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, Y.Z.* Optimization of culture medium for exo-polysaccharide production by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 using response surface methodology. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2011, 23: 3799-3802.

[26].Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.M., Xu, C.L., Lu, Z.Q., Huang, M., Wang, Y.Z.* Preparation and biological activities of an exopolysaccharide produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2010, 81: 607-611. (IF=9.381)

[27].Zong, X., Xiao, X., Shen, B., Jiang, Q., Wang, H., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, F.Q., Jin, M.L., Min, J.X., Wang, F.D.*, Wang, Y.Z.* The N 6-methyladenosine RNA-binding protein YTHDF1 modulates the translation of TRAF6 to mediate the intestinal immune response. Nucleic Acids Research. 2021, 49(10): 5537-5552.

[28].Zong, X., Xiao, X., Jie, F., Cheng, Y.Z., Jin, M.L., Yin, Y.L.*, Wang, Y.Z.* YTHDF1 promotes NLRP3 translation to induce intestinal epithelial cell inflammatory injury during endotoxic shock. Science China Life Sciences. 2021: 1-4.

[29].Xiao, X., Cheng, Y.Z., Fu, J., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, F.Q.,Jin, M.L., Zong, X.*, Wang, Y.Z.* Gut immunity and microbiota dysbiosis are associated with altered bile acid metabolism in LPS-challenged piglets. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2021: 6634821.

[30].Fu, J., Wang, T.H., Xiao, X., Cheng, Y.Z., Wang, F.Q., Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.Z., Zong, X.* Clostridium butyricum ZJU-F1 benefits the intestinal barrier function and immune response associated with its modulation of gut microbiota in weaned piglets. Cells. 2021, 10(3): 527. 

[31].Wang, T.H., Fu, J., Xiao, X.X., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, F.Q., Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.Z., Zong, X.* CBP22, a novel bacteriocin isolated from Clostridium butyricum ZJU-F1, protects against LPS-induced intestinal injury through maintaining the tight junction complex. Mediators of Inflammation. 2021.

[32].Hao, L.H., Cheng, Y.Z., Su, W.F., Wang, C., Lu, Z.Q., Jin, M.L., Wang, F.Q., Wang, Y.Z.* Pediococcus pentosaceus ZJUAF-4 relieves oxidative stress and restores the gut microbiota in diquat-induced intestinal injury. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2021, 105(4): 1657-1668.

[33].Zhang, Z.H., Jin, M.L., Wang, K.M., Zhang, N., Zhang, Q., Tao, X., Wei, H.* Short-term intake of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum ZDY2013 fermented milk promotes homoeostasis of gut microbiota under enterotoxigenic Bacillus cereuschallenge. Food & Function. 2021.

[34].Xu, B.C., Cao, J.P., Fu, J., Li, Z., Jin, M.L., Wang, X.X. Wang, Y.Z.* The effects of nondigestible fermentable carbohydrates on adults with overweight or obesity: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutrition Reviews. 2021.

[35].Xu, B.C., Fu, J., Zhu, L.Y., Li, Z., Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.Z.* Overall assessment of antibiotic substitutes for pigs: a set of meta-analyses. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2021, 12(1): 1-15.

[36].Wang, C., Wei, S.Y., Xu, B.C., Hao, L.H., Su, W.F., Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.Z.* Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus faecium co‐fermented feed regulates lactating sow's performance, immune status and gut microbiota. Microbial Biotechnology. 2021, 14(2): 614-627.

[37].Nguyen, N.K., Deehan, E.C., Zhang, Z., Jin, M.L., Baskota, N., Perez-Muñoz, M.E., Cole, J., Tuncil, Y.E., Seethaler, B., Wang, T., Laville, M. Delzenne, N.M., Bischoff, S.C., Hamaker, B.R., Martínez, I., Knights, D., Bakal, J.A., Prado, C. M., Walter, J.* Gut microbiota modulation with long-chain corn bran arabinoxylan in adults with overweight and obesity is linked to an individualized temporal increase in fecal propionate. Microbiome. 2020, 8(1): 1-21.

[38].Wang, C., Shi, C., Su, W., Jin, M.L., Xu, B., Hao, L., Zhang, Y., Lu, Z., Wang, F., Wang, Y., Du, H. Dynamics of the physicochemical characteristics, microbiota, and metabolic functions of soybean meal and corn mixed substrates during two-stage solid-state fermentation. mSystems. 2020, 11:5(1).

[39].Jing, N., Liu, X., Jin, M.L., Yang, X., Hu, X., Li, C. Zhao, K*. Fubrick tea attenuates high-fat diet induced fat deposition and metabolic disorder by regulating gut microbiota and caffeine metabolism. Food & Function. 2020.

[40].Lian, Z., Zhu, B., Lei, C., Zhao, W., Huang, Q., Jiang, C., Jin, M.L., Shi, J. Shao, D.* Reverse cholesterol transport-related miRNAs and their regulation by natural functional compounds. Current Protein and Peptide Science. 2019, 20(10): 1004-1011.

[41].Rajoka, M.S.R., Zhao, H., Mehwish, H.M., Li, N., Lu, Y., Lian, Z., Shao, D., Jin, M.L., Li, Q., Zhao, L., Shi, J.* Anti-tumor potential of cell free culture supernatant of Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains isolated from human breast milk. Food Research International. 2019, 123: 286-297.

[42].Lei, S., Zhao, H., Pang, B., Qu, R., Lian, Z., Jiang, C., Shao, D., Huang, Q., Jin, M.L., Shi, J.* Capability of iturin from Bacillus subtilis to inhibit Candida albicans in vitro and in vivo. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019, 103(11): 4377-4392.

[43].Li, J., Zhao, H., Hu, X., Shi, J.*, Shao, D., Jin, M.L. Antidiabetic effects of different polysaccharide fractions from Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch seeds in db/db mice. Food Hydrocolloids. 2019, 91: 1-9.

[44].Qu, R., Jiang, C., Wu, W., Pang, B., Lei, S., Lian, Z., Shao, D., Jin, M.L., Shi, J.* Conversion of DON to 3-epi-DON in vitro and toxicity reduction of DON in vivo by Lactobacillus rhamnosusFood & Function. 2019, 10(5): 2785-2796.

[45].Rajoka, M.S.R., Zhao, H., Li, N., Lu, Y., Lian, Z., Shao, D., Jin, M.L., Li, Q., Zhao, L., Shi, J.* Origination, change, and modulation of geriatric disease-related gut microbiota during life. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2018, 102(19): 8275-8289.

[46].Zhao, X., Zhou, L., Riaz Rajoka, M.S., Yan, L., Jiang, C., Shao, D., Zhu, J., Shi, J.*, Huang, Q., Yang, H., Jin, M.L. Fungal silver nanoparticles: synthesis, application and challenges. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 2018, 38(6): 817-835.

[47].Arrieta, M.C., Arevalo, A., Stiemsma, L., Dimitriu, P., Chico, M.E., Loor, S., Vaca, M., Boutin, R.C.T., Morien, E., Jin, M.L., Turvey, S.E., Walter, J., Parfrey, L.W., Cooper, P.J., Finlay, B.* Associations between infant fungal and bacterial dysbiosis and childhood atopic wheeze in a non-industrialized setting. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.2018, 142, 424-434.

[48].Nieves-Ramírez, M.E., Partida-Rodríguez, O., Laforest-Lapointe, I., Reynolds, L.A., Brown, E.M., Valdez-Salazar, A., Morán-Silva, P., Rojas-Velázquez, L., Morien, E., Parfrey, L.W., Jin, M.L., Walter, J., Torres, J., Arrieta, M.C., Ximénez-García, C., Finlay, B.B.* Asymptomatic intestinal colonization with protist blastocystis is strongly associated with distinct microbiome ecological patterns. mSystems. 2018, 3: e00007-18.

[49].Yan, L., Zhao, H., Zhao, X., Xu, X., Di, Y., Jiang, C., Shi, J.*, Shao, D., Huang, Q., Yang, H.,Jin, M.L. Production of bioproducts by endophytic fungi: chemical ecology, biotechnological applications, bottlenecks, and solutions. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2018,105:6279-6298.

[50].Riaz Rajoka, M.S., Jin, M.L., Zhao, H., Li, Q., Shao, D., Huang, Q., Shi, J.* Impact of dietary compounds on cancer-related gut microbiota and microRNA. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2018, 102: 4291-4303.

[51].Riaz Rajok, M.S., Jin, M.L., Zhao, H., Li, Q., Shao, D., Jiang, C., Huang, Q., Yang, H., Shi, J.*, Hussain, N. Functional characterization and biotechnological potential of exopolysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains isolated from human breast milk. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2018, 89: 638-647.

[52].Riaz Rajoka, M.S., Zhao, H., Lu, Y., Lian, Z., Li, N., Hussain, N., Shao, D., Jin, M.L., Li, Q., Shi, J.* Anticancer potential against cervix cancer (HeLa) cell line of probiotic Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus paracasei strains isolated from human breast milk. Food and Function. 2018, 23: 2705-2715.

[53].Deehan, E.C., Duar, R.M., Armet, A.M., Perez-Muñoz, M.E., Jin, M.L., Walter, J.* Modulation of the gastrointestinal microbiome with nondigestible fermentable carbohydrates to improve human health. Microbiology Spectrum. 2017, 5(5): BAD-0019-2017.

[54].Li, J., Rajoka, W.S.R., Shao, D., Jiang, C., Jin, M., Huang, Q., Yang, H., Shi, J.* Strategies to increase the efficacy of using gut microbiota for the modulation of obesity. Obesity Reviews. 2017, 18: 1260-1271.

[55].Zhao, H., Shao, D., Jiang, C., Shi, J.*, Li, Q., Huang, Q., Rajok, M.S.R., Yang, H., Jin, M.L. Biological activity of lipopeptides from Bacillus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017, 101: 5951-5960.

[56].Li, Q.*, Zhang, Y., Shi, J.L., Wang, Y.L., Zhao, H.B., Shao, D.Y., Huang, Q.S., Yang, H., Jin, M.L. Mechanism and anticancer activity of the metabolites of the endophytic fungi Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2017, 17: 982-989.

[57].Shao, D., Yao, L., Riaz, M.S., Zhu, J., Shi, J.*, Jin, M.L., Huang, Q., Yang, H. Simulated microgravity affects some biological characteristics of Lactobacillus acidophilusApplied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017, 101: 3439-3449.

[58].Riaz Rajoka, M.S., Shi, J.*, Zhu, J., Shao, D., Huang, Q., Yang, H., Jin, M.L. Capacity of lactic acid bacteria in immunity enhancement and cancer prevention. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017, 101: 35-45.

[59].Shao, D., Wang, Y., Huang, Q., Shi, J.*, Yang, H., Pan, Z., Jin, M.L., Zhao, H., Xu, X. Cholesterol-lowering effects and mechanisms in view of bile acid pathway of resveratrol and resveratrol glucuronides. Journal of Food Science. 2016, 81: H2841-H2848.

[60].Lu, Y., Shao, D., Shi, J.*, Huang, Q., Yang, H., Jin, M.L. Strategies for enhancing resveratrol production and the expression of pathway enzymes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016, 100: 7407-7421.

[61].Xie, J.H., Tang, W., Jin, M.L., Li, J.E., Xie, M.Y.* Recent advances in bioactive polysaccharides from Lycium barbarum L., Zizyphus jujuba Mill, Plantago spp., and Morus spp.: Structures and functionalities. Food Hydrocolloid. 2016, 60: 148-160.

[62].Xie, J.H., Jin, M.L., Morris, G.A., Zha, X.Q., Chen, H.Q., Yi, Y., Li, J.E., Wang, Z.J., Gao, J., Nie, S.P., Shang, P., Xie, M.Y.* Advances on bioactive polysaccharides from medicinal plants. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2016, 56(S1): S60-S84.

[63].Yang, H.*, Tang, R.H., Li, J., Liu, Y.X., Ye, L.J., Shao, D.Y., Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. A new Ex Vivo method for effective expansion and activation of human natural killer cells for anti-tumor immunotherapy. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2015, 73: 723-729.

[64].Yang, H.*, Liu, Y.X., Tang, R.H., Shao, D.Y., Li, J., Ye, L.J., Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. Cell signaling in the interaction between pathogenic bacteria and immune cells. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark. 2015, 20: 1029-1035.

[65].Yang, H.*, Tang, R.H., Li, J., Li, J., Liu, Y.X., Ye, L.J., Shao, D.Y., Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. Changes of cytoskeleton affect T cell biological behaviors. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark. 2015, 20: 829-837.

[66].Yang, H.*, Li, J., Tang, R.H., Li, J., Liu, Y.X., Ye, L.J., Shao, D.Y., Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. The aspartyl (asparaginyl) beta-hydroxylase in carcinomas. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark. 2015, 20: 902-909.

[67].Huyan, T., Li, Q., Yang, H., Jin, M.L., Zhang, M.J., Ye, L.J., Li, J., Huang, Q.S., Yin, D.C.* Protective effect of polysaccharides on simulated microgravity-induced functional inhibition of human NK cells. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2014, 101: 819-827.

[68].Lu, Z.Q., Jin, M.L., Huang, M., Wang, Y.M., Wang, Y.Z.* Bioactivity of selenium-enriched exopolysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 in broilers. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2013, 96: 131-136.

[69].Xu, C.L., Wang, Y.Z.*, Jin, M.L., Yang, X.Q. Preparation, characterization and immunomodulatory activity of selenium-enriched exopolysaccharide produced by bacterium Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100: 2095-2097.



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