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孙会增 博士
百人计划研究员 | 博士生导师 | 动物科技系副系主任
2024-01-09 | 84931
  • 0571-88981341
  • 浙江大学紫金港校区农生环E201
    • · 奶牛营养与代谢
    • · 胃肠道功能与微生物组


孙会增,博士,浙江大学“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师。国家优秀青年科学基金、国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目和浙江省杰出青年科学基金获得者。主要研究方向为奶牛营养与代谢、胃肠道微生物组、应用生物信息学等。针对制约我国奶牛饲料效率提升的瘤胃微生物代谢与宿主互作机制开展了系统研究,取得创新性学术成果,发表系列研究论文50余篇,以第一/通讯作者在IF>10期刊发表SCI论文9篇,其中近3年最后通讯作者论文发表在MicrobiomeResearch、Journal of Advanced Research等高影响期刊,荣获 “颐和”青年创新奖、杨胜营养科技创新奖、动物营养学分会青年学者讲坛优胜奖、帝斯曼中国青年学者动物营养科学奖入围奖等,受邀在中国畜牧兽医学会第五届“青年拔尖人才”学术论坛、肠道大会、第七届“奶牛营养与牛奶质量”国际研讨会、第13届中日韩瘤胃生理与代谢国际研讨会、第五届农业生态农业前沿青年论坛等作主题报告。











1.     Gu, F. F., Zhu, S. L., Hou, J. X., Tang, Y. F., Liu, J. X., Xu, Q. B.*, Sun, H. Z.*. The hindgut microbiome contributes to host oxidative stress in postpartum dairy cows by affecting glutathione synthesis process. Microbiome, 2023, 11: 87.

2.     Gu, F. F., Zhu, S. L., Tang, Y. F., Liu, X. H., Jia, M. H., Malmuthuge N., Valencak, T. G., McFadden, J. W., Liu, J. X., Sun, H. Z.*. Gut microbiome is linked to functions of peripheral immune cells in transition cows during excessive lipolysis. Microbiome, 2023, 11: 40.

3.     Wu, J. J., Zhu, S., Tang, Y. F., Gu, F., Valencak, T. G., Liu, J. X., & Sun, H. Z.* (2023). Age- and microbiota-dependent cell stemness plasticity revealed by cattle cell landscape. Research, 6: 0025.

4.     Zhu, S. L., Gu, F. F., Tang, Y. F., Liu, X. H., Jia, M. H., Valencak T. G., Liu, J. X., & Sun, H. Z.* (2023). Dynamic fecal microenvironment properties enable predictions and understanding of peripartum blood oxidative status and non-esterified fatty acids in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 8:S0022-0302(23)00619-7.

5.     Xue, M.Y.#, Wu, J. J.#, Xie, Y., Zhu, S., Zhong, Y., Liu, J. X., & Sun, H. Z.* (2022). Investigation of fiber utilization in the rumen of dairy cows based on metagenome-assembled genomes and single-cell RNA sequencing. Microbiome, 10, 11.

6.     Wu, J. J.#, Zhu, S.#, Gu, F., Valencak, T. G., Liu, J. X., & Sun, H. Z.* (2022). Cross-tissue single-cell transcriptomic landscape reveals the key cell subtypes and their potential roles in the nutrient absorption and metabolism in dairy cattle. Journal of Advanced Research, 37,1-18.

7.     Xue, M.Y., Xie, Y.Y., Zhong, Y., Ma, X. X., Sun, H. Z.*, & Liu, J. X.* (2022). Integrated meta-omics reveals new ruminal microbial features associated with feed efficiency in dairy cattle. Microbiome, 10, 32.

8.     Wu, J. J., Zhu, S., Tang, Y. F., Gu, F., Liu, J. X., & Sun, H. Z.* (2022). Microbiota-host crosstalk in the newborn and adult rumen at single-cell resolution. BMC Biology, 20: 280.

9.     Liu, X. H., Tang, Y. F., Wu, J. J., Liu, J. X., & Sun, H. Z.* (2022). Feedomics provides bidirectional omics strategies between genetics and nutrition for improved production in cattle. Animal Nutrition, 9, 314-319.

10.  Gu, F.#, Liang, S.#, Zhu, S., Liu, J. X., & Sun, H. Z.* (2021). Multi-omics revealed the effects of rumen-protected methionine on the nutrient profile of milk in dairy cows. Food Research International, 149: 110682.



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