麻光磊 博士
麻光磊博士,2018年6月于复旦大学药学院获得药物化学博士学位,同年8月赴新加坡南洋理工大学生命科学院进行博士后研究,于2023年3月回国加盟浙江大学任“百人计划”研究员(范骁辉教授团队),博士生导师,同时为现代中药创制全国重点实验室青年骨干成员。主要从事药用天然产物基因挖掘、生物合成及合成生物学研究。主要借助合成生物学技术和手段从基因资源中发掘新颖药用分子并对其进行生物合成途径的解析、改造和重塑研究,致力于用化学语言诠释植物及微生物次级代谢产物合成过程中涉及到的生物学问题,当前研究兴趣为中药活性成分生物合成与人工创制研究。已发表SCI论文30余篇,包括第一作者J. Am. Chem. Soc.文章3篇,授权专利4项。
浙江大学新百人计划专项启动基金,2024.1-2026.12,主持 (在研)
[34] Wei Zhu, Xiaoyong Zhang, Dong Wang, Qinghua Yao, Guang-Lei Ma, Xiaohui Fan, Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME®): Current Developments, Applications, and Future Prospects. Pharmaceuticals, 2024, 17, 1639.
[33] Guang-Lei Ma, Wan-Qiu Liu, Huawei Huang, Xin-Fu Yan, Wei Shen, Surawit Visitsatthawong, Kridsadakorn Prakinee, Hoa Tran, Xiaohui Fan, Yong-Gui Gao, Pimchai Chaiyen, Jian Li, Zhao-Xun Liang, An enzymatic oxidation cascade converts δ-thiolactone anthracene to anthraquinone in the biosynthesis of anthraquinone-fused enediynes.JACS Au, 2024, 4, 8, 2925–2935.
[32] Yanghui Liao, Xue-Jiao Wang, Guang-Lei Ma, Hartono Candra, Sean Lee Qiu En, Zhao-Xun Liang, Biosynthesis of octacosamicin A: uncommon starter/extender units and product releasing via intermolecular amidation, ChemBioChem, 2024, 25, e2023005.
[31] Peng-Jun Zhou, Ting Huang, Guang-Lei Ma, Ze-Yu Zhao, Zhe-Lu Jiang, Yi Zang, Juan Xiong, Jia Li, Jin-Feng Hu, Structurally diverse terpenoids and their DRAK2 inhibitory activities: A follow-up study on the vulnerable conifer Pseudotsuga forrestii, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2024, 1305, 137754.
[30] Sean Qiu En Lee, Guang-Lei Ma, Hartono Candra, Srashti Khandelwal, Li Mei Pang, Zhen Jie Low, Qing Wei Cheang, and Zhao-Xun Liang, Streptomyces sungeiensis SD3 as a microbial chassis for the heterologous production of secondary metabolites, ACS Synthetic Biology, 2024, 13, 1259-1272.
[29] Hao-Wei Chen, Chun-Xiao Jiang, Guang-Lei Ma, Xi-Ying Wu, Wei Jiang, Jiyang Li, Yi Zang, Jia Li, Juan Xiong, Jin-Feng Hu, Unprecedented spirodioxynaphthalenes from the endophytic fungus Phyllosticta ligustricola HDF-L-2 derived from the endangered conifer Pseudotsuga gaussenii, Phytochemistry, 2023, 2121, 113687.
[28] Peng-Jun Zhou, Ting Huang, Guang-Lei Ma, Ying-Peng Tong, Wen-Xue Chen, Yi Zang, Juan Xiong, Jia Li, Jin-Feng Hu, Forrestiacids E–K: Further [4+2]-type triterpene–diterpene hybrids as potential ACL inhibitors from the vulnerable conifer Pseudotsuga forrestii, Journal of Natural Products, 2023, 86, 1251-1260.
[27] Xiying Wu; Guang-Lei Ma; Hao-Wei Chen; Ze-Yu Zhao; Zi-Ping Zhu; Juan Xiong; Guo-Xun Yang; Jin-Feng Hu ; Antibacterial and antibiofilm efficacy of the preferred fractions and compounds from Euphorbia humifusa (herba euphorbiae humifusae) against Staphylococcus aureus, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2023, 306, 116177.
[26] Guang-Lei Ma; Lingyi Xin; Yanghui Liao; Zhi-Soon Chong; Hartono Candra; Li Mei Pang; Sean Qiu En Lee; Martin Muthee Gakuubi; Siew Bee Ng; Zhao-Xun Liang, Characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster and shunt products yields insights into the biosynthesis of balmoralmycin, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2022, 88, e0120822.
[25] Hartono Candra; Guang-Lei Ma (co-first); Sean Lee Qiu En; Zhao-Xun Liang, Enaminone formation drives the coupling of biosynthetic pathways to generate cyclic lipopeptides, ChemBioChem, 2022, 23, e202200457.
[24] Wei Jiang, Ze-Yu Zhao, Ying-Peng Tong, Guang-Lei Ma, Yi Zang, Ezzat EA Osman, Ze-Xin Jin, Juan Xiong, Jia Li, Jin-Feng Hu, Phytochemical and biological studies on rare and endangered plants endemic to China. Part XXV. Structurally diverse triterpenoids and diterpenoids from two endangered Pinaceae plants endemic to the Chinese Qinling Mountains and their bioactivities, Phytochemistry, 2022, 203, 113366.
[23] Martin Muthee Gakuubi, Kuan Chieh Ching, Madhaiyan Munusamy, Mario Wibowo, Chun Teck Lim, Guang-Lei Ma, Zhao-Xun Liang, Yoganathan Kanagasundaram, Siew Bee Ng, CRISPR/Cas9 RNP-assisted validation of palmarumycin biosynthetic gene cluster in Lophiotrema sp. F6932, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13, 1012115.
[22] Jiang Wan, Chun-Xiao Jiang, Yu Tang, Guang-Lei Ma, Ying-Peng Tong, Ze-Xin Jin, Yi Zang, Ezzat EA Osman, Jia Li, Juan Xiong, Jin-Feng Hu, structurally diverse glycosides of secoiridoid, bisiridoid, and triterpene-bisiridoid conjugates from the flower buds of two Caprifoliaceae plants and their ATP-citrate lyase inhibitory activities, Bioorganic Chemistry, 2022, 120, 105630
[21] Guang-Lei Ma; Hartono Candra; Li Mei Pang; Juan Xiong; Yichen Ding; Hoa Thi Tran; Zhen Jie Low; Hong Ye; Min Liu; Jie Zheng; Mingliang Fang; Bin Cao; Zhao-Xun Liang, Biosynthesis of tasikamides via pathway coupling and diazonium-mediated hydrazone formation, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144, 1622-1633.
[20] Guang-Lei Ma; Hoa Thi Tran; Zhen Jie Low; Hartono Candra; Li Mei Pang; Qing Wei Cheang; Mingliang Fang; Zhao-Xun Liang, Pathway retrofitting yields insights into the biosynthesis of anthraquinone-fused enediynes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 11500-11509.
[19] Guang-Lei Ma; Nan Guo; Xi-Ling Wang; Junmin Li; Ze-Xin Jin; Yuqiao Han; Su-Zhen Dong; Juan Xiong; Jin-Feng Hu, Cytotoxic secondary metabolites from the vulnerable conifer Cephalotaxus oliveri and its associated endophytic fungus Alternaria alternate Y-4-2, Bioorganic Chemistry, 2020, 105, 104445.
[18] Guang-Lei Ma; Hartono Chandra; Zhao-Xun Liang, Taming the flagellar motor of pseudomonads with a nucleotide messenger, Environmental Microbiology, 2020, 22, 2496-2513.
[17] Zhen Jie Low; Guang-Lei Ma (co-first); Hoa Thi Tran; Yike Zou; Juan Xiong; Limei Pang;Selbi Nuryyeva; Hong Ye; Jin-Feng Hu; K. N. Houk; Zhao-Xun Liang, Sungeidines from a non-canonical enediyne biosynthetic pathway, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 1673-1679.
[16] Zhen Jie Low; Juan Xiong; Ying Xie; Guang-Lei Ma (co-first); Howard Saw; Hoa Thi Tran; Soo Lin Wong; Li Mei Pang; July Fong; Peng Lu; Jin-Feng Hu; Yang Liang; Yansong Miao; Zhao-Xun Liang, Discovery, biosynthesis and antifungal mechanism of the polyene-polyol meijiemycin, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 822-825.
Before 2020:
[15] Guang-Lei Ma; Jiang Wan; Juan Xiong; Guo-Xun Yang; Jin-Feng Hu, Simultaneous identification of characteristic components in HPLC-PDA-ELSD fingerprint profile of Ginkgo biloba leaves extract, Natural Product Communications, 2019, 14, 1-5.
[14] Yu Tang, Na Li, Yike Zou, Yanran Ai, Guang-Lei Ma, Ezzat EA Osman, Juan Xiong, Junmin Li, Ze-Xin Jin, Jin-Feng Hu, LC-MS guided isolation and dereplication of Lycopodium alkaloids from Lycopodium cernuum var. sikkimense of different geographical origins, Phytochemistry, 2019, 160, 25-30.
[13] Guo-Xun Yang; Guang-Lei Ma; Hao Li; Ting Huang; Juan Xiong; Jin-Feng Hu; Advanced natural products chemistry research in China between 2015 and 2017, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2018, 16, 0881-0906.
[12] Juan Xiong, Li-Jun Wang, Jianchang Qian, Pei-Pei Wang, Xue-Jiao Wang, Guang-Lei Ma, Huaqiang Zeng, Jia Li, Jin-Feng Hu, Structurally Diverse Sesquiterpenoids from the endangered ornamental Plant Michelia shiluensis, Journal of natural products, 2018, 81, 2195-2204.
[11] Guang-Lei Ma; Juan Xiong; Ezzat E.A. Osman; Ting Huang; Guo-Xun Yang; Jin-Feng Hu; LC-MS guided isolation of sinodamines A and B: Chimonanthine-type alkaloids from the endangered ornamental plant Sinocalycanthus chinensis, Phytochemistry, 2018, 151, 61-68.
[10] Chao Huang, Yu Tang, Ting Huang, Lijun Wang, Wei Jiang, Guanglei Ma, Juan Xiong, Jinfeng Hu, Two new bisabolane-type sesquiterpenoids from Curcuma longa, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 38, 1562.
[9] Juan Xiong, Xi-Ying Wu, Pei-Pei Wang, Choiwan Lau, Hui Fan, Guang-Lei Ma, Yu Tang, Jia Li, Jin-Feng Hu, Acylated iridoid diglycosides from the cultivated endangered ornamental tree Gmelina hainanensis, Phytochemistry Letters, 2018, 25, 17-21.
[8] Chang-Ling Hu, Juan Xiong, Chen-Xi Xiao, Yu Tang, Guang-Lei Ma, Jiang Wan, Jin-Feng Hu,Anti-neuroinflammatory diterpenoids from the endangered conifer Podocarpus imbricatus, Journal of Asian natural products research, 2018, 20, 101-108.
[7] Juan Xiong, Jiang Wan, Jie Ding, Pei-Pei Wang, Guang-Lei Ma, Jia Li, Jin-Feng Hu, Camellianols A–G, Barrigenol-like Triterpenoids with PTP1B Inhibitory Effects from the Endangered Ornamental Plant Camellia crapnelliana, Journal of natural products, 2017, 80, 2874-2882.
[6] Chang-Ling Hu, Juan Xiong, Pei-Pei Wang, Guang-Lei Ma, Yu Tang, Guo-Xun Yang, Jia Li, Jin-Feng Hu, Diterpenoids from the needles and twigs of the cultivated endangered pine Pinus kwangtungensis and their PTP1B inhibitory effects, Phytochemistry Letters, 2017, 20, 239-245.
[5] Guang-Lei Ma; Juan Xiong; Guo-Xun Yang; Li-Long Pan; Chang-Ling Hu; Wei Wang; Hui Fan; Qiu-Hua Zhao; Hai-Yan Zhang; Jin-Feng Hu, Biginkgosides A-I, unexpected minor dimeric flavonol diglycosidic truxinate and truxillate esters from Ginkgo biloba leaves and their antineuroinflammatory and neuroprotective activities, Journal of Natural Products, 2016, 79, 1354-1364.
[4] Guang-Lei Ma; Guo-Xun Yang; Juan Xiong; Wen-Liang Cheng; Ke-Jun Cheng; Jin-Feng Hu, Salicifoxazines A and B, new cytotoxic tetrahydro-1,2-oxazinecontaining tryptamine-derived alkaloids from the leaves of Chimonanthus salicifolius, Tetrahedron Letters, 2015, 56, 4071-4075.
[3] Miao Ye; Guang-Lei Ma; Jing-Jing Su; Juan Xiong; Jin-Feng Hu, Leonurosides A–D: Steroid N-acetylglucosaminides from the fruits of Leonurus japonicus, Phytochemistry Letters, 2014, 10, 287-290.
[2] Shu‐Ting Liu, Juan Xiong, Yu Tang, Wen‐Xuan Wang, Van‐Binh Bui, Guang‐Lei Ma, Ya Huang, Yun Zhao, Guo‐Xun Yang, Jin‐Feng Hu, Chloranthones A-D: Minor and unprecedented dinor‐eudesmenes from Chloranthus elatior, Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2014, 11, 904-909.
[1] Yu Tang, Yan Fu, Juan Xiong, Ming Li, Guang-Lei Ma, Guo-Xun Yang, Bang-Guo Wei, Yun Zhao, Hai-Yan Zhang, Jin-Feng Hu; Casuarinines A–J, lycodine-type alkaloids from Lycopodiastrum casuarinoides, Journal of Natural Products, 2013, 76, 1475-1484.
[1] 胡金锋,麻光磊,杨国勋,熊娟,刘新华,潘礼龙,武喜营,黄酮苷二聚体及其制备方法和用途(发明专利,已授权),CN201510187760.2
[2] 胡金锋,麻光磊,杨国勋,熊娟,柳叶蜡梅总生物碱提取物及其制备方法和应用(发明专利,已授权),CN201510081635.3
[3] 胡金锋,熊娟,麻光磊,刘新华,王希玲,三尖杉酯碱类N-oxide衍生物及其制备方法和用途(发明专利,已授权),CN114075213B
[4] 胡金锋,王立军,熊娟,唐宇,麻光磊,杜松烷型倍半萜类化合物及其制备方法和在制药中的用途 (发明专利,已授权),CN201610386821.2
2024.05 蔡苗苗(2024级博士生)通过普博复试
2024.04 陆霖因(2024级研究生)通过研究生复试
2024.01 麻光磊研究员荣获浙大长三角智慧绿洲年度优秀员工
2023.12 麻光磊研究员获批浙江省自然科学基金重点项目
2023.11 沈伟博士获批国家博士后项目资助
2023.10 麻光磊研究员获批NSFC国家高层次HY青年人才计划
2023.08 李果博士加入浙江大学长三角智慧绿洲创新中心
2023.08 沈伟博士加入浙江大学长三角智慧绿洲创新中心
2023.06 高晗(2023级研究生)加入实验室
2023.06 胡栋斌(2023级研究生)加入实验室
2023.04 李前前博士入职浙江大学长三角智慧绿洲创新中心
2023.03 麻光磊研究员加盟浙江大学范骁辉教授团队
1. 岗位职责
2. 应聘条件
(1) 年龄35周岁以下,近三年获得或即将获得药学、生命科学、医学等相关专业博士学位。
(2) 善于沟通交流,有良好的团队协作精神,能独立开展相关实验。
(3) 以第一作者在业内知名期刊上发表过研究论文;有较强的英文阅读、写作能力,能够熟练撰写科技论文;
(4) 具备微生物(真菌和链霉菌)和植物遗传操作或天然产物分离、鉴定工作经验者优先。
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(3) 根据个人意愿,签订2-4年博士后工作合同,从事博士后研究工作2年及以上者,可申报浙江大学高级专业技术职务;
(4) 按学校有关规定,可申请租住学校博士后公寓;
(5) 在站期间获得国家青年基金或中国博士后基金特别资助的按浙江大学药学院相关办法,额外给予奖励。
1. 岗位职责
2. 应聘条件
(1) 药学、微生物学、生命科学、化学等相关专业本科及以上学位。
(2) 工作认真细致,具有团队合作精神。
(3) 长期稳定工作的申请者优先。
3. 岗位待遇
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