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Shihan (David) Ma Ph.D.
ZJU 100-Young Professor | Doctoral supervisor
2024-04-05 | 3856
  • A636 School of Management, Zijingang Campus
    • · Social Media and Destination Digital Marketing
    • · Tourism Big Data Analytics
    • · Tourism Planning and Development
    • · Climate change and Tourism


Dr. Ma is an assistant professor in the Department of Tourism Management, Zhejiang University in China. His research concentration is big data analysis in tourism, regarding tourist perception, behavior, mobility pattern and destination marketing opportunities through big data mining and technology application. He is currently engaged in projects about 1) smart tourism and digitalized travel experience; 2) data validation between social media and conventional tourism data; 3) tourist experience and feedback on social media. He also has interests in destination digital marketing, tourism planning & development, as well as climate change and tourism.

Professional Positions

  • 2021 - Present, ZJU 100-Young Professor, School of Management, Zhejiang University

  • 2016 - 2020, Teaching Assistant/Lecturer, College of Health and Human Performance, University of Florida

  • 2015 - 2016, Director of Tourism Department, Jinchiniao Tourism Co.,Ltd. 

  • 2013 - 2015, Tourism Consultant and Planner, ATKINS (Shanghai)


  • 2016 - 2020, Ph.D. in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management, University of Florida

  • 2010 - 2013, M.S. in Urban and Rural Planning (Tourism Planning), Peking University

  • 2006 - 2010, B.A. in Tourism Management,Fudan University


Journal Articles(* corresponding author)

  • Ying, T., Zhou, B., Ye, S., Ma, S.*, & Tan, X. (2024). Oops, the price changed! Examining tourists’ attribution patterns and blame towards pricing dynamics. Tourism Management, 103(104890), 104890 (A+, SSCI Q1; IF=12.7).

  • Wu, M.-Y., Wang, Y., Li, Q., Wu, X., & Ma, S. (2023). The Community Social Responsibility of Rural Small Tourism Enterprises: Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Travel Research, 00472875231204183 (A+, SSCI Q1; IF=10.982).

  • Li, X., Ma, S.*, & Wu, M. (2023). What makes social media branding more effective in shaping pre-visit image: Information quality or source credibility? Tourism Management Perspectives, 46, 101084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2023.101084 (SSCI Q1; IF=7.608)

  • Wu, L., Liu, S. Q., Ma, S.*, & Hanks, L. (2022). Platform-centric vs. multi-party service failure: an examination of consumers’ negative word of mouth about sharing economy platforms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-12-2021-1559 (A+, SSCI Q1; IF=6.514).

  • Wu, L., Yang, W., Gao, Y., & Ma, S.*. (2022). Feeling Luxe: A Topic Modeling × Emotion Detection Analysis of Luxury Hotel Experiences. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/10963480221103222 (SSCI Q1; IF=5.161).

  • Li, Y., Li, Y., Li, J., Ma, S., & Gao, P. (2022). Tourism demand forecasting from the perspective of mobility: a brand-new predictive variable generated from intercity population mobility big data. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/10941665.2022.2091941 (SSCI Q2; IF=4.074).

  • Xue, L., Leung, X. Y., & Ma, S.*. (2022). What makes a good “guest”: Evidence from Airbnb hosts’ reviews. Annals of Tourism Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2022.103426   (A+, SSCI Q1; IF=12.853).

  • Kirilenko, A, Ma, S., Stepchenkova, S. O., Su, L., & Waddell, T. F. (2021). Detecting Early Signs of Overtourism: Bringing Together Indicators of Tourism Development With Data Fusion. Journal of Travel Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/00472875211064635 (A+, SSCI Q1; IF=10.982).

  • Ma, S.*, Kirilenko, A., and Stepchenkova, S. (2020). Special interest tourism is not so special after all: Big data evidence from the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse. Tourism Management. 77, 104021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2019.104021  (A+, SSCI Q1; IF=10.967).

  • Ma, S.*, and Kirilenko, A. (2020). Climate change and tourism in English language newspaper publications. Journal of Travel Research, 59 (2): 352-366. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287519839157  (A+, SSCI Q1; 2021 IF=10.982).

  • Ma, S.*, & Kirilenko, A. P. (2020). Automated identification of tourist activities in social media photographs: A comparative analysis using visual-based, textual-based and joint-based methods. E-review of Tourism Research, 17(4).

  • Liang, Y., Kirilenko, A.*, Stepchenkova, S., and Ma, S. (2019). Using social media to discover unwanted behaviors displayed by visitors to nature parks: comparisons of nationally and privately-owned parks in the Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa. Tourism Recreation Research, 45(2): 271-276. 

  • 王锴云, 何宗威, 赵晓优, 马世罕, 叶顺, & 应天煜. (2023). 共享住宿场景下旅游者难忘体验的形成路径研究 旅游导刊, 7(5), 23–42.

  • 马世罕, 戴林琳*, 吴必虎. (2012). 北京郊区乡村旅游季节性特征及其影响因素. 地理科学进展, 31(6), 817-824.

Book/Book Chapter/Proceedings

  • Xu Y., Ma S., Li X. (2022). A Framework of Resilience for Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Hosts Under COVID-19. In: Stienmetz J.L., Ferrer-Rosell B., Massimo D. (eds) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022. Springer, Cham. 

  • Ma S., & Kirilenko, A. (2021). How reliable is social media data? Validation of TripAdvisor tourism visitations using independent data sources. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021 (pp. 286-293). Springer, Cham.

  • 马世罕. (2012). 城市游憩与旅游功能组织.  // 吴必虎, 丛丽等编. 多途径城市化 (pp. 149-157). 中国建筑工业出版社.


  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,72202208,消费者视角下旅游目的地适应气候变化的市场策略研究:基于多源社交媒体的大数据分析,2023-2025(在研),主持

  • EFTI基金,Economic and Social Value of Tourism Industry for Florida Communities: Objective Measures and Local Perceptions, 2020,子课题负责

  • 佛罗里达州交通局基金项目,Identification of tourist flows in Florida to support development of tourist travel module for Transportation Model,2019-2020,子课题负责

  • 美国陆军工程兵部队基金,Feasibility of using social media and mobile phone data to evaluate public attitudes toward recreation areas,2017-2018,参与

  • 美国国家自然科学基金,Public discourse on climate change in social media and newspapers,2016-2017,子项目参与

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41271151,城郊旅游综合体形成机制与发展模式研究, 2012-2013,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,40801048,事件及事件旅游(E&ET)作用下的京郊村镇空间、文化及经济响应研究,2010-2011,参与

Conference Presentation/Poster

  • Kirilenko, A., Ma, S., Stepchenkova, S., and Su, L. (2022). Are we facing hidden overtourism? The 29th Annual International eTourism Conference (ENTER 2022), January 12-14, 2022(virtually held)

  • Xu Y., Ma S., Li X. (2022). A Framework of Resilience for Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Hosts Under COVID-19. The 29th Annual International eTourism Conference (ENTER 2022), January 12-14, 2022(virtually held)

  • Ma, S., and Kirilenko, A. (2021). How reliable is social media data? Validation of TripAdvisor tourism visitations using independent data sources. The 28th Annual International eTourism Conference (ENTER 2021), January 19-22, 2021 (virtually held).

  • Kirilenko, A., Ma, S., Stepchenkova, S., and Su, L. (2021). Investigating tourism destination water consumption and wastewater implementation. The 28th Annual International eTourism Conference (ENTER 2021), January 19-22, 2021 (virtually held).

  • Ma, S., and Kirilenko, A. (2020). Review of tourism-oriented travel flows based on social media: reliability and validation. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting (AAG 2020), April 6-10, 2019. Denver, USA (virtually held).

  • Ma, S., and Kirilenko, A. (2020). Automated identification of tourist activities in social media photographs: a comparative analysis using visual-based, textual-based and joint-based methods. The 27th Annual International eTourism Conference (ENTER 2020), January 8-10, 2020. Guildford, UK.

  • Ma, S., and Kirilenko, A. (2019). Usage of Social Media to Track Tourist Origin and Spatial Movement during 2017 Solar Eclipse. TTRA Annual International Conference (TTRA 2019), June 26-28, 2018. Melbourne, Australia.

  • Ma, S., and Kirilenko, A. (2019). Spatial Movement and Travel Network in Astro-Tourism: Evidence from Social Media during 2017 Eclipse. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting (AAG 2019), April 3-7, 2019. Washington, DC, USA.

  • Ma, S., and Kirilenko, A. (2018). Identify Tourist Activities and Spatial Distributions from Geotagged Instagram Photos. TTRA Annual International Conference (TTRA 2018), June 26-28, 2018. Miami, USA

  • Ma, S., and Kirilenko, A. (2018). Integration of social media from multiple platforms for destination research. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting (AAG 2018), April 9-14, 2018. New Orleans, LA, USA

  • Kirilenko, A., and Ma, S. (2017). Climate Change and Tourism in English Language Newspaper Publications. 7th Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) Conference, July 10-15, 2017. Famagusta, Cyprus.


Research Project

  • 2023-2025 Marketing Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in Tourism Destinations, Funded by China Natural Science Foundation (in Progress)

  • 2020-2020 Economic and Social Value of Tourism Industry for Florida Communities , Funded by EFTI

  • 2019-2020 Identification of tourist flows in Florida to support development of tourist travel module for Transportation Model, Funded by FDOT

  • 2017-2018 Feasibility of using social media and mobile phone data to evaluate public attitudes toward recreation areas, Funded by USACE

  • 2016-2017 Public discourse on climate change in social media and newspapers, Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 

  • 2012-2013 Tourism Complex in Cities: Dynamic Mechanism and Development Patterns, Funded by China Natural Science Foundation 

  • 2011-2012 Multi-channel Tourist Mobility Measurement, Analysis and Optimization, Funded by IBM Shared University Research

  • 2010-2011 Spatial, Cultural and Economic Reactions to Event Tourism in Beijing Suburbs, Funded by China Natural Science Foundation

Planning Project

  • 2015-2016 Tourism development & marketing for Millennium Dunhuang (4sqkm)

  • 2013-2015 Tourism development plan for Baiyun Mnt., Luoyang (560 sqkm)

  • 2014-2014 Tourism consultancy & CMP for Powerlong Resort, Wuyishan (2sqkm)

  • 2013-2014 Tourism strategic development plan for Dongying City (8243 sqkm)

  • 2011-2012 Planning for Heritage Preservation and Rejuvenation in Luoyang (20 sqkm)

  • 2011-2012 Master Planning of Altay City of Xinjiang Province (Tourism section)


Now Teaching:

  • Managerial Statistics (in English),Graduate

  • Managerial Communication (in Chinese), Undergraduate 

Previously Teaching:

  • HLP6515 Evaluation Procedures ,Undergraduate & Graduate(University of Florida)

  • LEI4880 Research Methods in Tourism Undergraduate University of Florida

  • LEI6931 Introduction of Data Mining with Social Data ,GraduateUniversity of Florida

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