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Chen Shouchang Ph.D.
ZJU100 Young Professor | Doctoral supervisor
2024-05-17 | 1530
  • 0571-88206827
  • A507, School of Management, Zhejiang University
    • · Data-Driven Decision Making
    • · Production and Inventory Management


Dr. Chen is a ZJU100 Young Professor (Assistant Professor) at the School of Management, Zhejiang University. He obtained his Ph.D. from Zhejiang University (2013.9-2019.7). Before joining Zhejiang University, he worked at Nanyang Technological University as a Research Fellow (2019.11-2021.10). His research interests include Data-Driven Decision Making, especially for online retailing platforms and Production & Inventory Management.


  • 运筹学 (研究生) Operations Research (Postgraduate Level)

  • 随机模型 (研究生) Stochastic Models (Postgraduate Level)

  • 通信与计算机网络 (本科生) Computer Networks & Communications (Undergraduate Level)


Working Papers

1. Chen, Shouchang and Lim, Yun Fong and Sun, Yimeng and Yan, Zhenzhen, 'Return or Not? Joint Pricing and Refund Optimization for Omni-Channel Retailing'. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4121608

  • 2nd Prize, Best paper competition in the National Conference on Supply Chain and Operation Management (ISCOM), 2022. 

2. Chen, Qianqian and Chen, Shouchang and Dong, Chun and Liu, Lin and Yang, Yi, Bargaining in Live Streaming Commerce with Online Celebrity (December 20, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4670400

Published Papers

1. Chen, Shouchang and Yan, Zhenzhen and Lim, Yun Fong.  "Managing the personalized order-holding problem in online retailing." Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 26.1 (2024): 47-65.

  • Finalist, MSOM Data Driven Challenge, 2020.

2. Chen, Shouchang, Li, Yanzhi, Yang, Yi and Zhou, Weihua. "Managing Perishable Inventory Systems with Age‐differentiated Demand". Production and Operations Management 30.10 (2021): 3784-3799.

  • 1st prize, Best student paper competition in the POMS International Conference in China, 2019.   

3. Chen, Shouchang and Li, Yanzhi and Zhou, Weihua. "Joint decisions for blood collection and platelet inventory control". Production and Operations Management 28.7 (2019): 1674-1691.

  • 1st prize, The 6th Student Humanities and Social Science Research Award of Zhejiang University, 2021.

4. Wang, Kangzhou and Chen, Shouchang and Jiang, Zhibin and Zhou, Weihua and Geng, Na. "Capacity Allocation of an Integrated Production and Service System". Production and Operations Management 30.8 (2021): 2765-2781.

Honors & Rewards

1. Finalist, MSOM Data Driven Challenge, 2020. 

2. 2020年管理科学与工程学会“优秀博士学位论文”(The "Excellent Doctoral Dissertation" of the Society of Management Science and Engineering of China in 2020). 

3. 1st prize, Best student paper competition in the POMS International Conference in China, 2019.  

4. 2nd Prize, Best paper competition in the National Conference on Supply Chain and Operation Management (ISCOM), 2022. 

5. 浙江大学第六届学生人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖,一等奖 (01/2021).

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