2020.01-Now Tenured Full Professor, Zhejiang University.
2017.01-2019.12 Professor, Zhejiang University.
2013.12-2016.12 Associate Professor, Zhejiang University.
2012.06-2013.12 Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University.
2007.09-2011.01 PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2004.09-2007.06 M.S. Mathematics, Nanjing University.
2000.09-2004.06 B.S. Mathematics, Nanjing University.
Yi Yang obtained his PhD degree from the Department of System Engineering and Engineering Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In March 2012, he joined the Department of Data Science and Management Science at Zhejiang University. His main research interests include inventory management, revenue management and operations management. He has published several papers in TOP journals, such as Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management, etc. He was named an Distinguished Young Scholars and Excellent Young Scholar by the Natural Science Foundation of China and a Chang Jiang Young Professor by the Ministry of Education in China.
Research Interests: Data-driven Inventory Management and Revenue Management, New Retailing, Blockchain, Sharing Economy
Associate Editor for Naval Research Logistics and JORSC.
Teaching Courses
Decisions and Game Theory (Postgraduate Level)
Operations Research (Both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Undergraduate Level)
Stochastic Process (Postgraduate Level)
S.Ji and Y. Yang. 2024. ``Online Learning and Pricing for Multiple Products with Reference Price Effects". Forthcoming in Naval Research Logistics.
T. Cao, Y. Yang, H. Zhu, and M. Yu. 2024.``The Big Data Newsvendor Problem Under Demand and Yield Uncertainties". Forthcoming in International Journal of Production Economics.
Z.Y. Zhang, Y.Yang, and L. Liu. 2024. ``Monetizing Showrooming". Forthcoming in Production and Operations Management. LINK
J. Hu, W.L. Xue, and Y. Yang. 2024. "Reward-Based Crowdfunding Versus Initial Coin Offerings". Production and Operations Management. 33(8), pp.1659-1678.
J.K. Huang, K. Shang, Y. Yang, W. Zhou and L. Yuan. 2023. "Taylor Approximation of Inventory Policies for One-Warehouse, Multi-Retailer Systems with Demand Feature Information". Forthcoming in Management Science. LINK
Q. Jin, M. Zhu, Y. Yang and L. Liu. 2022. "Consumer Search with Anticipated Regret".Production and Operations Management, 31(8), pp. 3337-3351.
Q. Chen, Z. Shi, and Y. Yang. 2022. ``Scalping or Line-sitting: The Role of Speculators". Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 31, pp. 1-33.
M. Hu, X.L. Xu, W.L. Xue, and Y. Yang. 2022. "Demand Pooling in Omnichannel Operations". Management Science, 68(2), pp. 883-894.
H. Zhu, Y.H. Chen, M. Hu, and Y. Yang. 2021. ”A Simple Heuristic Policy for Stochastic Distribution Inventory Systems with Fixed Costs”. Operations Research, 69(6), pp.1651-1659.
S.C. Chen, Y.Z. Li, Y. Yang and W. Zhou. 2021."Managing Perishable Inventory Systems with Age-differentiated Demand”. Production and Operations Management, 30(10), pp.3784-3799.
Y. Yang, J, Wang, Frank Y. Chen, Z.Y. Chen, Y.C. Liu. 2020. “Optimal procurement strategies for contractual assembly systems with fluctuating procurement price.” Annals of Operations Research, 291, pp.1025-1059.
Y. Lu, M. Song, and Y. Yang. 2018. “Approximation Approaches for Inventory Systems with General Production/Ordering Cost Structures.” Production and Operations Management, 27(3), pp. 417-432
W.L. Xue, O. Caliskan-Demirag, Frank Y. Chen, and Yi Yang, 2017.“Managing Retail Shelf and Backroom Inventories when Demand Depends on Shelf-Stock Level." Production and Operations Management, 26(9), pp. 1685-1704.
B. Hu, M. Hu, and Y. Yang, 2017. “Open or Closed? Technology Sharing, Supplier Investment, and Competition." Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 19(1), pp. 132-149.
Y. Yang, T.L. Huang, and Y. Yu. 2017. "Myopic Analysis for Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems with Batch Ordering and Nonstationary/Time-Correlated Demands." Production and Operations Management, 26(1), pp. 31-46.
Y. Lu, M. Song, and Y. Yang, 2016. “Joint Inventory and Pricing Coordination with Incomplete Demand Information." Production and Operations Management, 25(4), pp. 701-718.
Y. Yang, Frank Y. Chen, and Y. Zhou, 2014. ''Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies Under Batch Ordering." Operations Research, 62, pp. 25-37.
M. Hu and Y. Yang, 2014. “Modified Echelon (r,Q) Policies with Guaranteed Performance Bounds for Stochastic Serial Inventory Systems." Operations Research, 62(4),pp. 812-828.
Ozgun Caliskan-Demirag, Frank Y. Chen, and Yi Yang, 2012,“Ordering Policies for Periodic-Review Inventory Systems with Quantity-Dependent Fixed Costs." Operations Research,60, pp. 785-796.
Y. Yang, Q. Yuan, W.L. Xue and Y. Zhou, 2014. "Analysis of Batch Ordering Inventory Models with Setup Cost and Capacity Constraint." International Journal of Production Economics, 155, pp. 340-350.
X. Chen, A. Tai, and Y. Yang, 2014. "Optimal Production and Pricing Policies in a Combined Make-to-Order/Make-to-Stock System." International Journal of Production Research, 52(23), pp. 7027-7045.
Z.Y. Chen, Y.C. Liu, Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, 2014. "A variant of L#-convexity and its application to inventory models with batch ordering." Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(06), pp. 1-16.
Ozgun Caliskan-Demirag, Frank Y. Chen, and Yi Yang, 2013,“Production-Inventory Control Policy under Warm/Cold State-dependent fixed Costs and Stochastic Demand:Partial Characterization and Heuristics." Annals of Operations Research, 208, pp. 531-556.
Zhiyuan Chen, and Yi Yang, 2010 “Optimality of (s, S, p) Policy in a General Inventory-Pricing Model with Uniform Demands.”Operations Research Letter, 8, pp. 256-260.
Q. Jin, L. Liu, and Y. Yang. 2020. "Parallel or Sequential? Platform's Search-Pattern Preference: The Role of Assortment".LINK
Y.L. Hu, W.L. Xue, and Y. Yang. 2021. ``Signaling Quality in Initial Coin Offerings with Funds Regulation". LINK
L. Liu, Z.Y. Shi, Y. Yang, Q. Yuan, Z.Y. Zhang. Coopetition in Omnichannle Operations. LINK
Q. Chen, S. Chen, C. Dong, L. Liu and Y. Yang. The Economic Value of Online-celebrity.
Y. Zheng, S. Lin, F. Chen, and Y. Yang. Contextual Preference Choice Model and Learning for Multi-Product Inventory Systems.LINK
The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Online live-stream and supply chain system optimization", 2023-2027. Principal Investigator of Subtopic.
The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, ”Data-driven Inventory Management”, 2022-2026. Principal Investigator.
The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Operation Management in New Retail", 2020-2024. Principal Investigator of Subtopic.
Innovative Research Group of National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Service Science and Innovation Management", 2019-2025. Core Member.
National Natural Science Foundation of China, ”Data-driven Revenue Management.” 2019.1-2022.12. Principal Investigator.
Excellent Young Scholar of National Natural Science Foundation of China, ``Stochastic Multi-echelon Inventory Systems." 2016.1-2018.12. Principal Investigator.
National Natural Science Foundation of China, ''Stochastic Inventory Management under Different Ordering Cost Structures." 2013.1-2015.12. Principal Investigator.
The Key Project of National Social Science, ''The Impact of Information Technology on Resources Allocation." 2015-2019. Principal Investigator of One Subtopic.
Honors and Awards