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黄科杰 博士
百人计划研究员 | 博士生导师
2025-02-21 | 116890
  • 玉泉校区老生仪楼304
    • · 深度学习软硬件加速
    • · 密码算法软硬件加速
    • · 机器学习与AI安全


黄科杰,男,博士生导师,IEEE TCASII的Associate Editor,IEEE高级会员。在集成电路设计、存储器内计算、以及智能硬件方面有二十年的工作与研究经验。主要研究方向包括低功耗存算处理器,深度学习软硬件加速,密码算法软硬件加速,FPGA硬件架构,AI安全等。主持重点研发计划、NSFC面上、中德合作交流、领域基金等多项国家项目,主持浙江大学-亲看慧联合实验室、浙江大学-VIVO校企合作等多项横向项目。目前已经在IEEE TCAS-I, IEEE TCAS-II,IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TMM, IEEE TMI, IEEE TVLSI和AAAI, ACMMM, ICCV, CHES等国际期刊和会议上发表高水平学术论文80余篇,申请发明专利约60项,授权约30项。获得中国商业联合会服务业科技创新奖一等奖、教育部-华为智能基座栋梁之师、CVPR Workshop 最佳论文, CVPR RobMOTS比赛第一名,“华为杯”第五届中国研究生创“芯”大赛一等奖和最佳指导老师等荣誉。






春夏学期 计算机组成与系统结构

冬学期 人工智能硬件设计


秋冬学期 电子科学与技术学科前沿


2019 ECE411 "Computer Organization and Design" at ZJUI

2019 ECE110 "Introduction to Electronics" at ZJUI

2017 ECE120 "Introduction of Computing" at ZJUI

2015 ‘Design and Fabrication of MEMS’ at SUTD

2015 ‘Digital Integrated Circuits Design’ at SUTD


1. 深度学习软硬件加速


2. 密码算法软硬件加速





J61 Guangyan Li, Zewen Ye, Donglong Chen, Wangchen Dai, Kejie Huang, Gaoyu Mao, and Ray C. C. Cheung. ProgramGalois: A Programmable Generator of Radix-4 Discrete Galois Transformation Architecture for Lattice-based Cryptography. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), 2024.

J60 Zeyu Wang, Haibin Shen, Wenyu Jiang, Kejie Huang∗. A Fourier-Transform-Based Framework with Asymptotic Attention for Mobile Thermal InfraRed Object Detection. IEEE Sensors Journal (JSEN), 2024.

J59 Zeyu Wang , Kai Shen , Dong Wang , Haibin Shen , Kejie Huang*. Human Body Parsing In Thermal Infrared Domain. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (TCE), 2024.

J58 Yonggen Li, Xin Li, Haibin Shen, Jicong Fan, Yanfeng Xu, Kejie Huang*, A Compute-in-memory FPGA Architecture for Efficient Deep Neural Network Computing, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), 2024.

J57 Chengxuan Wang, Xin Li, Haibin Shen, Jicong Fan, Yanfeng Xu, Kejie Huang*, EWS: An Energy-efficient CNN Accelerator with Enhanced Weight Stationary Dataflow, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCASII), 2024.

J56 Ruifeng Zheng, Ruotong Chen, Cong Chen*, Yuyu Yang, Yi Ge, Linqi Ye, Pu Miao, Bo Jin, Hong Li, Junming Zhu, Shuang Wang and Kejie Huang*. Automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia with convolutional neural network based on magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy, 2024.

J55 Zeyu Wang, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang. Bridging Partial and Gated Convolution with Transformer for Fine-Structure and Non-Variation Image Inpainting, Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), 2024.

J54 Yi-Feng Liu, Rui-Yao Ren, Dai-Bao Hou, Hai-Zhong Weng, Bo-Wen Wang, Kejie Huang, Xing Lin, Feng Liu, Chen-Hui Li, and Chao-Yuan Jin, "Slimmed Optical Neural Networks with Multiplexed Neuron Sets and A Corresponding Backpropagation Training Algorithm", Intelligent Computing, 2024.


J53 Fengyin Liu, Ziqun Zhou, Changyou Men, Quan Sun, Kejie Huang∗, IFGLT: Information fusion guided lightweight Transformer for image denoising, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 103994, 2023/11/25.

J52 Wei Mao, Fuyi Li, Jun Liu, Rui Xiao, Kejie Huang, Yongfu Li, Hao Yu, Yan Liu, Genquan Han, "A Low-Power Charge-Domain Bit-Scalable Readout System for Fully-Parallel Computing-in-Memory Accelerators", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023/11/3.

J51 Yuanming Zhang, Xin Li, Shuang Wang, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang∗, "A Robust Seizure Detection and Prediction Method with Feature Selection and Spatio-Temporal Casual Neural Network Model", Journal of Neural Engineering, 20 (5), 056036, 2023/10/18.

J50 Rui Xiao, Yewei Zhang, Bo Wang, Yanfeng Xu, Jicong Fan, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang∗, "A Low-Power In-Memory Multiplication and Accumulation Array With Modified Radix-4 Input and Canonical Signed Digit Weights", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2023/9/4.

J49 Shao-Xiang Go, Qiang Wang, Kejie Huang, Tae Hoon Lee, Natasa Bajalovic, Desmond K. Loke. "Toward Single-Cell Multiple-Strategy Processing Shift Register Powered by Phase-Change Memory". Adv. Intell. Syst. 5(3), 2023.

J48 Liyuan Ma, Tingwei Gao, Haibin Shen, and Kejie Huang. "Multi‐scale cross‐domain alignment for person image generation." CAAI Trans. Intell. Technol. 1–14, 2023.

J47 Desheng Chen, Qi Zhu, Tiewen Li, Xuhui Fan, Yichao Lou, Yi Zhang, Kejie Huang, Hongcheng Sun. SunKLF4 loss in hepatocellular carcinoma: a biomarker with significant prognostic value and influence on anti-tumor immunity". Front Genet. 14:1106952, 2023.


J46 Ruifeng Zheng; Kejie Huang; Haibin Shen; Liyuan Ma.  "Continuous Volumetric Convolution Network with Self-learning Kernels for Point Clouds". IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2022.

J45 Ruifeng Zheng, Ying Zhong, Senxiang Yan, Hongcheng Sun, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang. "MsVRL: Self-supervised Multi-scale Visual Representation Learning via Cross-level Consistency for Medical Image Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Medical Image (TMI), 2022.

J44 Zewen Ye, Ray C.C. Cheung, Kejie Huang. "PipeNTT: A Pipelined Number Theoretic Transform Architecture", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS (TCASII), 2022.

J43 Dongxu Wei, Kejie Huang, Liyuan Ma, Jiashen Hua, Baisheng Lai, Haibin Shen. "OAW-GAN: occlusion-aware warping GAN for unified human video synthesis", Applied Intelligence, 1-18, 2022/4/20.

J42 Ruibing Song, Kejie Huang, Zongsheng Wang, Haibin Shen. "A Reconfigurable Convolution-in-Pixel CMOS Image Sensor Architecture", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2022/5/30.

J41 Yewei Zhang, Kejie Huang, Rui Xiao, Haibin Shen. "An 8-bit In Resistive Memory Computing Core with Regulated Passive Neuron and Bit Line Weight Mapping", IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems  (TVLSI), 30 (4), 379-391, 2022/1/21.

J40 Donglin Shi, Fengji Geng, Xiaoxin Hao, Kejie Huang, YUZHENG HU. Relations between Physical Activity and Hippocampal Functional Connectivity: Modulating Role of Mind Wandering. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, section Cognitive Neuroscience, 16: 950893, 2022.

J39 Zhenghua Hu, Jibiao Zhou, Kejie Huang, Enyou Zhang. "A Data-Driven Approach for Traffic Crash Prediction: A Case Study in Ningbo, China", International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 1-11, 2022/6/1.


J38 Kaining Zhou, Yangshuo He, Rui Xiao, Jiayi Liu, Kejie Huang. A Customized NoC Architecture to Enable Highly Localized Computing-On-the-Move DNN Dataflow. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCASII) 2021/12/13.

J37 Liyuan Ma, Kejie Huang, Dongxu Wei, Zhao-Yan Ming, Haibin Shen. FDA-GAN: Flow-based Dual Attention GAN for Human Pose Transfer. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 2021/12/9.

J36 Jinyin Chen, Duanjie Zhang, Xiang Lin, Zhaoyan Ming, Kejie Huang. GraphAttacker:A General Multi-Task Graph Attack Framework. IEEE Trans. Network Science and Engineering (TNSE). 2021/11/15

J35 Xiaoxin Hao, Fengji Geng, Tengfei Wang, Yuzheng Hu, Kejie Huang. Relations of Creativity to the Interplay Between High-order Cognitive Functions: Behavioral and Neural Evidence. Neuroscience. 473, pp. 90-101, 2021/10/1.

J34 Yuan-Xing Liu, Xi Liu, Chao Cen, Xin Li, Ji-Min Liu, Zhao-Yan Ming, Song-Feng Yu, Xiao-Feng Tang, Lin Zhou, Jun Yu, Ke-Jie Huang, Shu-Sen Zheng. Comparison and development of advanced machine learning tools to predict nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: An extended study. Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International. 20(5), pp. 409-415, 2021/10/1.

J33 Zhenghua Hu, Kejie Huang, Enyou Zhang, Qiang Ge, Xiaoxue Yang. Rebalancing Strategy for Bike-Sharing Systems Based on the Model of Level of Detail. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2021/9/27.

J32 Chengjie Fu, Xiaolei Zhu, Kejie Huang, Zheng Gu. An 8-bit Radix-4 Non-Volatile Parallel Multiplier. Electronics. 10(19), pp. 2358, 2021/1.

J31 Jiahui Kong, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang, “DualPathGAN: Facial reenacted emotion synthesis”, IET Comput. Vis. 2021;1–13.

J30 Ziqun Zhou, Kejie Huang, Yue Qiu, Haibin Shen, Zhaoyan Ming. Morphology extraction of fetal electrocardiogram by slow-fast LSTM network. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 68, pp. 102664, 2021/7/1.


J29. Lirong Wu, Kejie Huang, Haibin Shen, Lianli Gao. "A Foreground-background Parallel Compression with Residual Encoding for Surveillance Video". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2020.

J28. Difei Zeng, Kejie Huang, Cenglin Xu, Haibin Shen, Zhong Chen. "Hierarchy Graph Convolution Network and Tree Classification for Epileptic Detection on Electroencephalography Signals". IEEE Trans. Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2020.

J27. Dongxv Wei, Xiaowei Xu, Haibin Shen, and Kejie Huang. "GAC-GAN: A General Method for Appearance-Controllable Human Video Motion Transfer". IEEE Trans. Multimedia, 2020. 

J26. C Zhu, K Huang, S Yang, Z Zhu, H Zhang, H Shen. "An Efficient Hardware Accelerator for Structured Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs".  IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems (TVLSI), 2020.

J25. Sai Zhang, Kejie Huang*, Haibin Shen. "A Robust 8-bit Non-Volatile Computing-In-Memory Core for Low-Power Parallel MAC Operations". IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Paper (TCASI), 67 (6), 1867-1880, 2020.

J24. Zhongtian Yao, Kejie Huang*, Haibin Shen, and Zhaoyan Ming. "Deep Neural Network Acceleration With Sparse Prediction Layers." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 6839-6848.


J23. Ruizhen Wang, Kejie Huang*, Haibin Shen, Feng Xiao. "Hybrid iris center localization method using cascaded regression, weighted averaging, and weighted snakuscule". Optical Engineering, 2019.

J22. Yifan Chu, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang*. "ECG Authentication Method Based on Parallel Multi-scale One-dimensional Residual Network with Center and Margin Loss". IEEE Access, pp. 51598-51607, 23 April 2019. [DOI]  


J21. Yishu Zhang; Wei He; Yujie Wu; Kejie Huang; Yangshu Shen; Jiasheng Su; Yaoyuan Wang; Ziyang Zhang; Xinglong Ji; Guoqi Li; Hongtao Zhang; Sen Song; Huanglong Li; Litao Sun; Rong Zhao; Luping Shi. "Highly Compact Artificial Memristive Neuron with Low Energy Consumption". Small. 14 (51), 1802188, 14 November 2018. [DOI]

J20. Feng Xiao, Dandan Zheng, Kejie Huang, Yue Qiu, Haibin Shen. "An Accurate Regression-based Gaze Tracking System with A Single Camera". Journal of Eye Movement Research (JEMR), 11 (4), 2018.  [PDF]

J19. Feng Xiao, Kejie Huang*, Yue Qiu, Haibin Shen. "Accurate Gaze Estimation based on Average Binary-Connected-Component-Centroid". Electronics Letters (EL), vol. 54, no. 17, pp. 1026 - 1028, 8/23/2018. [DOI]

J18. Yue Qiu, Kejie Huang*, Feng Xiao, Haibin Shen. "A Segment-Wise Reconstruction Method Based on Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory for Power Line Interference Suppression". Biocybeetics and Biomedical Engineering (BBE), vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 217-227, 2018. [PDF]

J17. Feng Xiao, Kejie Huang*, Yue Qiu, Haibin Shen."Accurate Iris Center Localization Method Using Facial Landmark, Snakuscule, Circle Fitting and Binary Connected Component". Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), Volume 77, Issue 19, pp. 25333–25353, October 2018

J16. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao, Yong Lian. "Racetrack Memory based Low Power and High-Density Non-volatile Look-Up Table (LUT)". Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing(JPDC), Volume 117 Pages 127–137, July 2018.

J15. Xinglong Ji, Li Song, Wei He, Kejie Huang, Zhiyuan Yan, Shuai Zhong, Yishu Zhang, and Rong Zhao*. "A Super Nonlinear Electrodeposition-diffusion-controlled Thin Film Selector". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (AMI). vol. 28, no. 10(12), pp. 10165-10172. 2018 Mar 15. [DOI]

J14. Kejie Huang, Wei He, Rong Zhao. "A Two-Step Sensing Circuit for the Hysteresis Loop Selector based Resistive Non-Volatile Memory Arrays". IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCASII), vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 101--105, Jan 2018.


J13. Wei He, Hongxin Yang, Li Song, Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao. "A Novel Operation Scheme Enabling Easy Integration of Selector and Memory". IEEE Electronics Device Letter (EDL). Vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 172 - 174, Feb. 2017. [PDF ]

J12. Changhong Wang; Wei He; Yi Tong; Yishu Zhang; Kejie Huang; Li Song; Shuai Zhong; Rajasekaran Ganeshkumar. "Memristive Devices with Highly Repeatable Analog States Boosted by Graphene Quantum Dots". Small, 13(20), 15 March 2017. (DOI)


J11. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao. "Magnetic Domain-Wall Racetrack Memory based Non-volatile Logic for Low Power Computing and Fast Run-Time-Reconfiguration". IEEE Trans. on VLSI systems (TVLSI), vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 2861-2872, 2016. [PDF ]

J10. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao, Wei He, Yong Lian. "High Density and High Reliability Non-volatile Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with Staked 1D2R RRAM Array". IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (TVLSI), vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 139-150, 2016. [PDF ]

J9. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao, Yong Lian. "Racetrack Memory based Non-volatile Storage Elements for Multi-context FPGAs". IEEE Trans. on VLSI systems (TVLSI), vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1885-1984, 2016. [PDF ]


J8. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao, Yong Lian. "A Low Power and High Sensing Margin Non-volatile Full Adder Using Racetrack Memory". IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Paper (TCASI), vol. 62, no. 4, pp.1109-1116, Apr. 2015. [PDF ]

J7. Ning Ning, Guoqi Li, Wei He, Kejie Huang, Li Pan, Kiruthika Ramanathan, Rong Zhao, Luping Shi. "Modeling Neuromorphic Persistent Firing Networks". International Journal of Intelligence Science, vol. 5, pp. 89-101, 2015. [PDF ]


J6. Kejie Huang, Yajun Ha, Rong Zhao, Akash Kumar, Yong Lian. "A Low Active Leakage and High Reliability Phase Change Memory (PCM) based Non-Volatile FPGA Storage Element". IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I: Regular Paper (TCASI), vol.61, no.9, pp.2605-2613, Sep. 2014. [PDF]

J5. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao, Ning Ning, Yong Lian. "A Low Power Localized 2T1R STT-MRAM Array with Pipelined Quad Phase Saving Scheme for Zero Sleep Power Systems". IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I: Regular Paper (TCASI), vol.61, no.9, pp.2514-1623, Sep. 2014. [PDF

J4. Kejie Huang, Ning Ning, Yong Lian. "Optimization Scheme to Minimize Reference Resistance Distribution of Spin-transfer-torque MRAM". IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (TVLSI), vol.22, no.5, pp.1179-1182, May 2014. [PDF]

J3. Wei He^, Kejie Huang^, et al. Enabling an Integrated Rate-temporal Learning Scheme on Memristor. Scientific Reports (SR) 4. ^Equal contribution. [PDF ]

J2. Tae Hoon Lee, Desmond Loke, Kejie Huang, Wei-Jie Wang, Stephen R. Elliott. "Tailoring Transient-amorphous States: Towards Fast and Power-efficient Phase-change Memories and Neuromorphic Computing". Advanced Materials (AM), vol. 26, no. 44, pp. 7493-7498. [PDF]


J1. Kejie Huang, Yong Lian. "A Low Power Low Vdd Non-volatile Flip-flop using STT-MRAM". IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology (TNANO), vol.12, no.6, pp.1094-1103, Nov. 2013. [PDF]



C30 Shuaiting Li, Chengxuan Wang, Juncan Deng, Zeyu Wang, Zewen Ye, Zongsheng Wang, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang*. MVQ: Towards Efficient DNN Compression and Acceleration with Masked Vector Quantization. 30th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2025.


C29 Ke Dong, Kejie Huang, Bo Wang. Tetris-SDK: Efficient Convolution Layer Mapping with Adaptive Windows for Fast In Memory Computing. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2024.

C28 Zeyu Wang, Ziqun Zhou, Haibin Shen, Qi Xu, Changyou Men, Quan Sun, Kejie Huang*. JDAT: Joint-Dimension-Aware Transformer with Strong Flexibility for EEG Emotion Recognition. Electrical Engineering; Electronics and Information Engineering (EEIE), 2024.

C27 Ruifeng Zheng, Cong Chen, Lingqi Ye, Shuang Wang, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang∗. Automated Detection of Type II Focal Cortical Dysplasia Guided by Low-Density Electroencephalogram. International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR), 2024.

C26 Chuhui Wang, Zewen Ye, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang∗. A Folded Computation-in-Memory Accelerator for Fast Polynomial Multiplication in BIKE. European Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par), 2024.

C25 Zewen Ye, Ruibing Song, Hao Zhang, Donglong Chen, Ray Chak-Chung Cheung, Kejie Huang*, "A Highly-efficient Lattice-based Post-Quantum Cryptography Processor for IoT Applications", Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES), 2024.


C24 Zeyu WangColonnier FabienJinghong ZhengAcharya JyotibdhaWenyu JiangKejie Huang. "TIRDet: Mono-Modality Thermal InfraRed Object Detection Based on Prior Thermal-To-Visible Translation". ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), 2023.

C23 Zeyu Wang, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang∗. Taming Vector-Wise Quantization for Wide-Range Image Blending with Smooth Transition. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM) Workshop, 67-74, 2023.

C22 Liyuan Ma, Tingwei GaoHaitian Jiang, Haibin Shen, and Kejie Huang. "WaveIPT: Joint Attention and Flow Alignment in the Wavelet domain for Pose Transfer". International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023.

C21 Zeyu Wang; Haibin Shen; Changyou Men; Quan Sun; and Kejie Huang. "Thermal Infrared Image Inpainting via Edge-Aware Guidance". International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.

C20 Liyuan Ma, Tingwei Gao, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang. "FreqHPT: Frequency-aware attention and flow fusion for Human Pose Transfer". CVPR Workshop, 2023. (Best Paper)


C19. Guanchen Tao, Yonggen Li, Yanfeng Xu, Jicong Fan, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang. “A Near Memory Computing FPGA Architecture for Neural Network Acceleration”. 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (ICFEICT), Pages 543-548, 2022.


C18. Zheng Zhang, Xin Li, Fengji Geng, Kejie Huang. A Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning Model for Epileptic Seizure Detection. 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 2021/11/1.

C17. Dongxu Wei, Jiashen Hua, Hualiang Wang, Baisheng Lai, Kejie Huang, Chang Zhou, Jianqiang Huang, Xiansheng Hua. RobTrack: A Robust Tracker Baseline towards Real-World Robustness in Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation. CVPR Workshop. 2021.

C16. Lingling Cai, Kejie Huang, Ruibing Song, and Haibin Shen, A Near-array Convolution Computing Scheme Based on WSe2. Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). Hangzhou, 2021.

C15. Du Dongna, Chenghao Zhang, Yanbo Wang, Xiaoyun Kuang, Yiwei Yang, Kaitian Huang, Kejie Huang. A Compression and Recognition Joint Model for Structured Video Surveillance Storage. International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies. Changsha, 2021.

C14. Rui Xiao, Kejie Huang, Haibin Shen. An Overview of Computing-in-Memory Interfaces, International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies. Changsha, 2021.

C13. Dongxv Wei, Xiaowei Xu, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang. "C2F-FWN: Coarse-to-Fine Flow Warping Network for Spatial-Temporal Consistent Motion Transfer". In 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021.


C12. Jiayi Liu, Kejie Huang. "A Novel Scheme to Map Convolutional Networks to Network-on-Chip with Computing-In-Memory Nodes". The 17th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2020).

C11. Lirong Wu, Kejie Huang*, Haibin Shen. "A GAN-based Tunable Image Compression System". IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision, March 1-5, 2020.

C10. Tao He, Lianli Gao, Jingkuan Song, Xin Wang, Kejie Huang, Yuan-Fang Li. "SNEQ: Semi-supervised Attributed Network Embedding with Attention-based Quantisation". In 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020.


C9. Sai Zhang, Zongdong Dai, Rui Xiao, Haibin Shen, Kejie Huang*. "The Impact of Non-linear NVM Devices on In-Memory Computing". In 3rd IEEE International workshop on future computing (IWOFC), 2019.

C8. Kejie Huang, Chuyun Qin, "eNVM Based In-memory Computing for Intelligent and Secure Computing Systems", In 32th International System-On-Chip Conference (SOCC), 3-6 Sep, 2019.

C7. Kejie Huang, "A Two-Step Sensing Circuit for the Hysteresis Loop Selector based Resistive Non-Volatile Memory Arrays", In 52th International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 26-29 May, 2019. 


C6. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao. "Domain-Wall Racetrack Memory for In-Memory Computing". In 50th International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 28-31 May, 2017. 

C5. Yue Qiu, Kejie Huang*, Feng Xiao, Haibin Shen. "Power-Line Interference Suppression in Electrocardiogram using Recurrent Neural Networks". In 10th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), 14-16 Oct, 2017.


C4. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao. "Low Power Computing Using Resistive Non-volatile Memories". In 14th Non-volatile Memory Technology Symposium (NVMTS), 27-29 October, 2014. [PDF]

C3. Kejie Huang, Rong Zhao, Yong Lian. "STT-MRAM based Low Power Synchronous non-volatile Logic with Timing Demultiplexing". In 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH), 8-10 July, 2014. [PDF ]


C2. Ning Ning, Kejie Huang, Luping Shi. "Articial Neuron with Somatic and Axonal Computation Units: Axon as a Slow Leaky Integrator Complementry to the fast somatic integration". In 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 10-15 June, 2012. [PDF]


C1. Ning Ning, Yi Kaijun, Huang Kejie, Shi Luping. "Axonal Slow Integration Induced Persistent Firing Neuron Model and Spiking Network". In Neural Information Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. [PDF ]

Book Chapter


B1. Kejie Huang, Yin Zhou, Xiaobo Wu, Wentai Liu and Zhi Yang. "Design and Optimization of Inductive Power Link for Biomedical Applications". Applied Biomedical Engineering, ISBN: 978-953-307-256-2, 2011. [PDF]












黄科杰、肖蕊、沈海斌,一种基于radix-4编码和差分权重存储的乘累加电路, PCT/CN2020/092286|2019104623748, 2019-05-30

黄科杰、潘云洁、沈海斌,基于权重分布的卷积神经网络低位宽量化方法, 2019104636786, 2019-05-30

黄科杰、周璇、朱晓雷,一种基于racetrack memory的乘法器及其操作方法, 2019104359853, 2019-05-23 

黄科杰、曹家骏、沈海斌,一种基于RRAM的非易失性8位Booth乘法器, 2019104814374, 2019-06-04

黄科杰、朱超阳、沈海斌,一种基于结构化剪枝和低比特量化的神经网络处理器, PCT/CN2020/099891|ZL201910609993.5, 2019-07-08

黄科杰、张赛、沈海斌,一种基于多位并行二进制突触阵列的神经形态计算电路, PCT/CN2020/100756|201910609991.6, 2019-07-08


Foong Huey Chian, Huang Kejie. "Write control circuits and write control methods". US Patent. US9,257,177, 2016.

Huang Kejie. "A circuit arrangement and a method of writing states to a memory cell". US Patent, US8942024, 2015.

Lua Yan Hwee Sunny, Huang Kejie. "Writing circuit for a magnetoresistive memory cell, memory cell arrangement and method of writing into a magnetoresistive memory cell of a memory cell arrangement". US Patent. US8,773,897, 2014.

Huang Kejie, Ning Ning. "Reading Circuit for A Resistive Memory Cell". US Patent. US8,867,260, 2014. SG Patent Application, SG/201303132-3, 13/03/2013.

Huang Kejie, Foong Huey Chian. "Latch Circuit and Data Processing System". US Patent Application. US/14/092,975, 11/28/2013.

Huang Kejie, Sunny Lua Yan Hwee, Arthur Ang. "A Current Writing Circuit For A Resistive Memory Cell Arrangement". US/SG Patent Application. US20120300531, 2012. SG/201203494-8, 23/05/2012.

Huang Kejie, Zhao Rong. "Writing Circuit for A Resistive Memory Cell Arrangement and A Memory Cell Arrangement". US/SG Patent Application. US20130077383, 2013. SG/201106907-7, 9/23/2011.


2023-2026 NSFC面上项目

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