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黄英 博士
教授 | 博士生导师 | 浙江大学资本市场研究中心主任
2024-06-29 | 92073
  • 88206076
  • 管理学院 437
    • 财务管理、公司治理、风险投资、基金管理、可持续发展




      主要从事财务管理、公司治理、风险投资、基金管理、可持续发展等相关问题的研究。在国际学术期刊已发表50余篇论文,其中40多篇被SSCI收录,包括 Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Derivatives, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Financial Services Research, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等金融学权威期刊。著有《数字经济时代AI创新与投资》,另有50多篇智库报告被国家领导人、浙江省委省政府领导批示或中央有关部门采纳。

      曾获英国Emerald出版集团年度论文“高度赞誉奖”、浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖、浙江大学校级先进工作者等荣誉。在国际金融管理学会(FMA)年会等重要学术会议上多次宣读论文,主持国家自然科学基金、教育部基金、浙江省自然科学基金等多项科研项目。现任金融学SSCI期刊 International Review of Economics & Finance 副主编和 North American Journal of Economics and Finance 编委,曾任 Finance Research Letters 副主编,并担任30多本国际学术期刊审稿人或特约主编。担任国家社会科学基金、国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科、国家留学基金等评审专家,以及浙江省政协委员、民进浙江省委委员、民进中央经济委员会委员、浙江省欧美同学会常务理事等职务。


  • 《公司理财》、《高级财务管理》 本科生课程(双语/全英文)

  • 《公司财务》 MBA课程(中文)、GMBA课程(全英文)

  • 《融资、并购与公司控制》 博士生课程(双语)


  • 浙江大学-悉尼大学种子基金项目(USyd-ZJU Partnership Collaboration Awards,旗舰项目),2024

  • 浙江省哲学社会科学规划“习近平总书记考察浙江重要讲话精神研究阐释”专项课题,2023-2024

  • 推进我省基金小镇迭代升级高质量发展研究,浙江省哲学社科对策类重点课题,2022

  • 跨市场风险的传导机制及其对企业投资异质性影响的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016-2019

  • 中英金融管理研究研讨会,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,2016

  • 经济风险在浙江保险市场的动态传导机制研究, 浙江省自然科学基金青年项目,2012-2013

  • 经济风险传导模型与保险市场波动研究, 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金,2012-2013

  • 金融危机与市场传导效应研究, 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2010-2012



  • Global De-diversification and Stock Returns, Research in International Business and Finance (SSCI, JCR Q1), 2024

  • Institutional Distance, Geographic Distance, and Chinese Venture Capital Investment: Do Networks and Trust Matter? Small Business Economics (SSCI, JCR Q1), 2023

  • Do M&A funds create value in Chinese listed firms? Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI), 2023(79), 102035

  • Venture Capital Staging Under Economic Policy Uncertainty, International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI), 2022 (78), 572-596

  • Are Mutual Fund Manager Skills Transferable to Private Funds? International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI), 2021 (76), 614-638

  • Financial Market Development, Market Transparency, and IPO Performance, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI), 2019 (55), 63-81 

  • Losing by Learning? A Study of Social Trading Platform, Finance Research Letters (SSCI), 2019 (28), 171-179

  • Thriving in a Disrupted Market: A Study of Chinese Hedge Fund Performance, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI), 2018 (48), 210-223 

  • Does Internationalization Increase Exchange Rate Exposure? — Evidence from Chinese Financial Firms, International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI), 2018 (56), 253-263

  • Different Strokes by Different Folks: The Dynamics of Hedge Fund Systematic Risk Exposure and Performance, International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI), 2017

  • Non-interest Income, Trading, and Bank Risk, Journal of Financial Services Research (SSCI), 2017

  • Corporate Governance and Risk-taking of Chinese Firms: The Role of Board Size, International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI), 2015

  • Which Types of Traders and Orders Profit from the Futures Market Trading?  Journal of Derivatives (SSCI), 2014

  • Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Investment: Evidence from China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI), 2014

  • Are College Chief Executives Paid Like Corporate CEOs or Bureaucrats? Applied Economics (SSCI), 2013

  • Mutual Fund Governance and Performance: A Quantile Regression Analysis of Morningstar's Stewardship Grade, Corporate Governance: An International Review (SSCI), 2011

  • Stock and Option Market Divergence in the Presence of Noisy Information, Journal of Banking & Finance (SSCI), 2011

  • Does 'Hot Money' Drive China's Real Estate and Stock Markets? International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI), 2010

  • The Dynamic Impact of Macro Shocks on Insurance Premiums, Journal of Financial Services Research (SSCI), 2009

  • Hourly Index Return Autocorrelation and Conditional Volatility in an EAR-GJR-GARCH Model with Generalized Error Distribution, Journal of Empirical Finance (SSCI), 2008

  • Determinants of the Japanese Yen Interest Rate Swap Spreads: Evidence from a Smooth Transition Vector Autoregressive Model, Journal of Futures Markets (SSCI), 2008

  • Deposit Insurance and Banking Supervision in China: The Agenda Ahead, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance (SSCI), 2008

  • Macro Shocks and the Japanese Stock Market, Applied Financial Economics, 2008

  • Author Affiliation Index, Finance Journal Rankings, and the Pattern of Authorship, Journal of Corporate Finance (SSCI), 2007

  • The Role of Oil Price Shocks on China's Real Exchange Rate, China Economic Review (SSCI), 2007

  • The Effect of Fed Monetary Policy Regimes on the U.S. Interest Rate Swap Spreads, Review of Financial Economics, 2007

  • Modeling Swap Spreads: The Roles of Credit, Liquidity and Market Volatility, Review of Futures Markets, 2006



  • 《数字经济时代AI创新与投资》(著作),浙江大学出版社,2022 

  • 《大学生创新创业基础》(教材),参编,浙江大学出版社,2022



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