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刘洋 博士
研究员 | 博士生导师 | 社会科学研究院院长助理
2025-02-09 | 117558
  • 0571-88206866
  • 管理学院B603/社科院701
    • · 产业互联网平台与数字产业集群
    • · 制造企业数字创新管理、国际化战略、创新战略
    • · 企业社会责任、ESG


刘洋博士,浙江大学研究员,博士生导师,国家社科重大项目首席专家,国家万人青年拔尖人才,浙江大学社会科学研究院院长助理。研究兴趣主要集中于转型经济背景下的创新管理与战略管理,近期研究重点关注制造企业的创新战略、国际化战略、ESG战略、数字创新战略、数字产业集群等。成果发表在《管理世界》、Technovation,Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Business Research等国内外重要期刊,出版《数字创新》《非对称创新战略:中国企业的跨越》等著作。

刘洋博士主持国家级青年人才项目、国家社科重大项目、国家自科面上项目、浙江省自科杰出青年项目等多项课题,科研和教学成果获ESI高被引论文,教育部青年成果奖,省哲社一、二、三等奖,国家级教学成果一等奖等奖励。兼任中国信息经济学会理事,中国管理现代化研究会管理案例研究专委会委员等职务,在Management and Organization Review, Journal of Management & Organization 、Data Science and Management、《科学学研究》《研究与发展管理》《科研管理》《创新管理学报》《创新科技》等期刊担任(青年)编委、客座编辑、专栏组稿咨询专家等职务。







国家社科基金重大项目(23&ZD131):国家创新体系整体效能提升的关键问题研究, 子课题负责人(在研)



  1. Liu, Yang, Ying, Z., Ying, Y., Wang, D*., Chen, J. 2024. Artificial Intelligence Orientation and Internationalization Speed: A Knowledge Management Perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 205, 123517.

  2. Wang, D., Wei, J., Nooderhaven, N., Liu, Yang*. 2023. Signaling Effects of CSR Performance on Cross-border Alliance Formation. Journal of Business Ethics. 186, 831–850.

  3. Liu, Yang, Dong, J. Mei, L., Shen, R.*. 2023. Digital Innovation and Performance of Manufacturing Firms: An Affordance Perspective. Technovation. 102458.

  4. Li, D., Zhao, Y., Wang, D., Zhang, L., Liu, Y. 2023. Too Far East is West: CEO Overconfidence Influences Firm Internationalization in Emerging Economies. Management International Review. 63: 377–402. 

  5. Ying, Y., Wang, S., Liu, Yang*. 2022. Make Bricks without Straw: Eco-innovation for Resource-constrained Firms in Emerging Markets. Technovation.

  6. Liu, Yang. Deng, P*. Wei, J. Ying, Y., Wu, B. 2021. How to gain from international R&D alliances? A mutual dependence logic. Journal of Business Research. 135:800-815.

  7. Liu, J., Wei, J., Liu, Yang*, Jin, D. 2022. How to Channel Knowledge Coproduction Behavior in an Online Community: Combining Machine Learning and Narrative Analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 183, 121887. 

  8. Liu, Yang, Dai, W.*. Liao, M. Wei, J. 2021. Social status and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from Chinese privately owned firms. Journal of Business Ethics. 169 (4): 651–672.

  9. Liu, Yang, Dong, J. Ying, Y.*, Jiao, H. 2021. Status and Digital Innovation: A Middle-Status Conformity Perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 168:120781.

  10. Deng, P., Liu, Yang*, Gallagher, V. C., & X. Wu. 2020. International Strategies of Emerging Market Multinationals: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective. Journal of Management & Organization. 26(4):408-425.

  11. Liu, Yang, Lv, D., Ying, Y. Arndt, F. & Wei, J. 2018. Improvisation for innovation: The contingent role of resource and structural factors in explaining innovation capability. Technovation. 74–75: 32-41.

  12. 刘洋,应震洲,苏钟海. 2024. 面向“工业5.0”的产业互联网平台发展.清华管理评论.

  13. 刘洋,董久钰,魏江*. 2020. 数字创新管理:理论框架与未来研究。管理世界.

  14. 魏江,苏钟海,刘洋*,2023. 新兴场域平台型企业制度创业机理研究,管理世界.

  15. 魏江,王丁,刘洋*. 2020. 来源国劣势与合法化战略——新兴经济企业跨国并购的案例研究.  管理世界. 3. 101-119

  16. 谢洪明, 章俨, 刘洋*,陈聪,2019. 新兴经济体企业连续跨国并购中的价值创造:均胜集团的案例. 管理世界. 5:161-178.

  17. 冯永春,崔连广*,张海军,刘洋,许晖. 2016. 制造商如何开发有效的客户解决方案?. 管理世界. 10:150-173.

  18. 刘洋, 魏江, & 江诗松*. 2013. 后发企业如何进行创新追赶?研发网络边界拓展的视角. 管理世界, 2013(3): 96-110. 


  1.  A Multilevel Network Perspective of Self-organizing Group Innovation in an Online Community

  2. Non-R&D subsidies and digital product innovation in China

  3. Value creation and value appropriation in firms’ R&D activities: Exploring the dual effects of TMT equity and institutional development

  4. Inferential Learning from Both the 'Good' and 'Bad' for Green Innovations in the Age of AI: Evidence from China

  5. CEO’s Trust in News Media and Corporate Social Responsibility of New Ventures: Evidence from China

  6. Double-edged Sword Effects of Artificial Intelligence Adoption on Corporate Social (Ir)Responsibility

  7. The influence of firm status on symbolic and substantive digital transformation adoption.

  8. Symbol or substance? The effect of CEO’s impending political promotions on CSR decoupling in Chinese SOEs. 

  9. Host-country institutions and emerging market multinational enterprises’ CSR performance: An institutional knowledge perspective

  10. Dance with Chains: Liability of Origin, Legitimation strategies And EMNEs’ Cross Border M&A Completion






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