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杨震 博士
副研究员 | 博士生导师 | 原子核农业科学研究所副所长
2024-09-04 | 31570
  • 浙江大学紫金港校区
    • · 谷物品质生物学
    • · 核技术农业应用
    • · 农业与食品生物物理学



杨震,博士,副研究员、核农所副所长、博士生导师。博士毕业于赫尔辛基大学,师从芬兰科学院院士Vieno Piironen教授。入选江苏省高层次人才。国家市场监督管理总局标准物质技术评审专家库专家。主要从事核技术农业应用、谷物品质生物学、农业与食品生物物理学等方面的研究,目前主要研究方向包括植物源农产品综合加工与利用、核技术(电子束)在农产品加工中的应用、同位素示踪与环境生态健康等。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金重点项目、芬兰文化基金、重大横向等项目。在Trends in Food Science & Technology、Environmental Science & Technology、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Food Chemistry、Food Research International、Food Control、Food Hydrocolloids、Journal of Food Science、Journal of Cereal Science、中国粮油学报等国内外学术期刊上发表研究论文40余篇,参编“十一五”国家级规划教材1部,授权发明专利2项,多次参加本领域的国内外学术会议并作学术报告。兼任中芬食品与健康网络中方合作组委员Finland-China Food and Health Network),中国原子能农学会理事,浙江省原子能农学会理事、辐照专业委员会副主任,Foods》期刊编委、核农学报》青年编委,Biology、Foods、Frontiers in Environmental Science、核农学报等国内外学术期刊的专栏主编。多次受邀担任Food Chemistry, Food Research International, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Chemosphere, Journal of Food Science等国际学术期刊的审稿人。


       2022.03-至今            浙江大学  农业与生物技术学院 副研究员

       2020.01-2022.02       江南大学  食品学院 校聘副教授       


       2014.09-2019.12       赫尔辛基大学    食品化学专业               哲学博士 (Ph.D)

       2011.08-2014.03       浙江大学           生物物理学专业            理学硕士

       2007.09-2011.07       山东农业大学    食品科学与工程专业    工学学士


ORCID I ResearchGate









(1) 谷物科学原理(第二版),普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,中国轻工业出版社. ISBN:978-7-5184-4397-0. 参编.



1)  Nie EG, Guo LX, Zhou X, Zhou D, Wang HY, Ye QF, Yang Z*. 2024. Effects of charged polystyrene microplastics on the bioavailability of dufulin in tomato plant. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 467, 133748.

2)  Zhou CG, Li B, Yang WL, Liu TR, Yu HR, Liu SY*, Yang Z*. 2024. A comprehensive study on the influence of superheated steam treatment on lipolytic enzymes, physicochemical characteristics, and volatile composition of lightly milled rice. Foods, 13, 240.

3)  Wang XL, Chen YD, Chen T, Guo LX, Yang Z, Chen Y, Yu ZY, Liu XM, Wang HY. 2024. Lagging pollution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the rebuilt e-waste site: From the perspective of characteristics, sources, and risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 929, 172406.

4)  Li B, Peng LX, Cao YN, Liu SY, Zhu YC, Dou JG, Yang Z*, Zhou CG*. 2024. Insights into cold plasma treatment on the cereal and legume proteins modification: principle, mechanism, and application. Foods, 13, 1522.

5) Tang Y, Zhou CG, Yu ZY, Jiang M, Chen Y, Wang HY, Yang Z*. 2024. Formation of lipid-derived volatile products through lipoxygenase (LOX)- and hydroperoxide lyase (HPL)- mediated pathway in oat, barley and soybean. Food Chemistry:X, 22, 101514.

6) Nie EG, Chen YD, Xu SW, Yu ZY, Ye QF, Li QX, Yang Z*, Wang HY*. 2024. Charged polystyrene microplastics inhibit uptake and transformation of 14C-triclosan in hydroponics-cabbage system. Journal of Advanced Research. In Press.


1) Wang YQ*, Jian C*, Salonen A, Dong MS, Yang Z*. 2023. Designing healthier bread through the lens of the gut microbiota. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 134, 13-28.

2) Yang Z*, Xie C, Bao YL, Liu FY, Wang HY*, Wang YQ*. 2023. Oat: Current state and challenges in plant-based food applications. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 134, 56-71. ESI Highly Cited Paper.

3) Zhou CG, Zhou YJ, Liu TR, Li B, Hu YQ, Zhai XD, Zuo M, Liu SY*, Yang Z*. 2023. Effects of protein components on the chemical composition and sensory properties of millet Huangjiu (Chinese Millet Wine). Foods, 12, 1458.

4) Xu N, Song Y, Zheng CF, Li S, Yang Z*, Jiang M*. 2023. Indole-3-acetic acid and zinc synergistically mitigate positively charged nanoplastics-induced damage in rice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 455, 131637.

5) Zhang YQ, Kong YF, Xu WJ, Yang Z, Bao YL. 2023. Electron beam irradiation alters the physicochemical properties of chickpea proteins and the peptidomic profile of its digest. Molecules, 28, 6161.

6) Mao XX and Yang Z*. 2023. Chiral nanomaterial-enabled bactericide and nanopesticide for sustainable agriculture and food safety. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 25, 198.

7) Tang Y, Xu L, Yu ZY, Zhang SF, Nie EG, Wang HY, Yang Z*. 2023. Influence of 10 MeV electron beam irradiation on the lipid stability of oat and barley during storage. Food Chemistry:X, 20, 100904.


1) Yang Z, Zhou Y, Xing JJ, et al. (2022). Effect of superheated steam treatment and extrusion on lipid stability of black soybean noodles during storage. Food Control, 132, 108388.

2) Yue YK, Yang Z, Xing JJ, et al. (2022). Fabrication and stabilization mechanisms of Pickering emulsions based on gliadin/arabinoxylan complexesFood Chemistry, 393, 133458.

3) Han TY, Yang Z, Yu C, Xing JJ, et al. (2022). Effect of acidity regulators on the shelf life, quality, and physicochemical characteristics of fresh wet noodlesJournal of Cereal Science, 103, 103409.

4) Wang CC, Yang Z, Xing JJ, et al. (2022). Effects and underlying mechanisms of insoluble dietary fiber and ferulic acid on the crumb structure of steamed bread. Food Hydrocolloids, 125, 107448.

5) Cao ZB, Yu C, Yang Z, Xing JJ, et al. (2021). Impact of gluten quality on textural stability of cooked noodles and the underlying mechanism. Food Hydrocolloids, 119, 106842. 

6) Yang Z, Zhou Y, Xing JJ, et al. (2021). Influence of extrusion on storage quality of dried oat noodles: lipid degradation and off-flavours. Journal of Cereal Science, 101, 103316. 

7) Yang Z, Huang Q, Xing JJ, et al. (2021). Changes of lipids in noodle dough and dried noodles during industrial processing. Journal of Food Science, 86(8), 3517-3528. 

8) Wang JR, Guo XN, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Insight into the Relationship Between Quality Characteristics and Major Chemical Components of Chinese Traditional Hand-Stretched Dried Noodles: A Comparative Study. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 14(5), 945-955. 

9) Jia WT, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Effect of superheated steam treatment on the lipid stability of dried whole wheat noodles during storage. Foods, 10, 1348. 

10) Jia WT#Yang Z#, et al. (2021). Effect of superheated steam treatment on the lipid stability of whole wheat flour. Food Chemistry, 363, 130333. 

11) Lu L, Yang Z, Guo XN, et al. (2021). Effect of NaHCO3 and freeze-thaw cycles on frozen dough: From water state, gluten polymerization and microstructure. Food Chemistry, 358,129869.

12) Lu L, Yang Z, Guo XN, et al. (2021). Thermal-aggregation behavior of gluten in frozen dough induced by epsilon-poly-L-lysine treated yeast. Food Chemistry, 359,129985.

13) Lu L, Xing JJ, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Influence of epsilon-poly-L-lysine treated yeast on gluten polymerization and freeze-thaw tolerance of frozen dough. Food Chemistry, 343, 128440.

14) Xing JJ, Qiao JY, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Effects of ultrasound-assisted resting on the qualities of whole wheat dough sheets and noodles. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 56(11), 5609-5618.

15) Xing JJ, Jiang DH, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Effect of humidity-controlled dehydration on microbial growth and quality characteristics of fresh wet noodles. Foods, 10(4), 844. 

16) Xing JJ, Jiang DH, Guo XN, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Effect of dough mixing with slightly acidic electrolyzed water on the shelf-life and quality characteristics of fresh wet noodles. Food Control, 124, 107891. 

17) Wang JR, Guo XN, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Effect of sodium bicarbonate on quality of machine-made Kongxin noodles. LWT -- Food Science and Technology, 138, 110670.

18) Wang JR, Guo XN, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Combined effect of NaCl and resting on dough rheology of Chinese traditional hand-stretched dried noodles and the underlying mechanism. Cereal Chemistry, 98(3), 774-783.

19) Liu FY, Yang Z, Guo XN, et al. (2021). Influence of protein type, content and polymerization on in vitro starch digestibility of sorghum noodles. Food Research International, 142, 110199.

20) Wang CC, Yang Z, et al. (2021). Effects of insoluble dietary fiber and ferulic acid on the quality of steamed bread and gluten aggregation properties. Food Chemistry, 364, 130444.

21) Wang CC, Yang Z, Xing JJ, et al. (2021). Effects of insoluble dietary fiber and ferulic acid on the rheological properties of dough. Food Hydrocolloids, 121, 107008.

22) Lampi AM, Yang Z*, Mustonen O, & Piironen V. (2020). Potential of faba bean lipase and lipoxygenase to promote formation of volatile lipid oxidation products in food models. Food Chemistry, 311, 125982.

23) Yang Z*, Piironen V, & Lampi AM. (2019). Epoxy and hydroxy fatty acids as non-volatile lipid oxidation products in oat. Food Chemistry, 295, 82-93. 

24) Yang Z*Piironen V, & Lampi AM. (2017). Lipid-modifying enzymes in oat and faba bean. Food Research International, 100, 335-343.

25) Yang Z, Wang W, Wang HY & Ye QF (2014). Effects of a highly resistant rice starch and pre-incubation temperatures on the physicochemical properties of surimi gel from grass carp (Ctenopharyn Odon Idellus). Food Chemistry, 145, 212-219.

26) Yang Z, Wang HY, Wang W, Qi WY, Yue L & Ye QF (2014). Effect of 10 MeV E-beam irradiation combined with vacuum-packaging on the shelf life of Atlantic salmon fillets during storage at 4 °C. Food Chemistry, 145, 535-541.

27) Wang HY, Yang Z, Liu RY, Fu QG, & Ye QF (2013). Stereoselective Uptake and Distribution of the Chiral Neonicotinoid Insecticide, Paichongding, in Chinese Pak Choi. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 262, 862-869. 

28) Li JY, Zhang JB, Li C, Wang W, Yang Z, Wang HY, Gan J, Ye QF, Xu XY, & Li Z (2013). Stereoisomeric isolation and stereoselective fate of insecticide Paichongding in flooded paddy soils. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 12768-12774.

29) Wu CC, Wang W, Yue L, Yang Z, Fu QG, & Ye QF (2013). Enhancement effect of ethanol on lipid and fatty acid accumulation and compositin of Scenedesmus sp. Bioresource Technology, 140, 120-125.

30) Zhang JB, Fu QG, Wang HY, Li JY, Wang W, Yang Z, et al. (2013), Enantioselective Uptake and Translocation of a Novel Chiral Neonicotinoid Insecticide Cycloxaprid in Youdonger (Brassica campestris subsp. Chinensis). Chirality, 25, 686-691.

31) 周颖, 杨震, 郭晓娜 等. 过热蒸汽对燕麦挂面储藏稳定性及风味的影响[J]. 中国粮油学报, 2022, 37(02):54-61.

32) 邢俊杰, 李栋, 杨震 等. 湿热预处理对酸解淀粉纳米晶制备的影响[J]. 中国粮油学报, 2021, 36(11):79-85.

33) 杨树芬, 邢俊杰, 郭晓娜, 朱科学, 杨震 等. 酒酿汁预处理方式对其理化特性及酒酿馒头品质影响[J]. 中国粮油学报, 2021, 36(11):14-20.


1) 叶庆富,杨震; 一种提高功能性鱼糜凝胶品质和货架期的方法, 2015-05-27,中国, ZL 2013 1 0319175.4.

2) 叶庆富,杨震,戚文元;一种提高生鲜鱼片品质和延长货架期的方法,2016-08-19,中国,ZL2013 1 0347887.7.





(1) 16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress - Fats, Oils and Lipids: Science, Technology and Nutrition in a Changing World. Oral Presentation: Peroxygenase catalysed lipid oxidation products from free fatty acids in oats. 16 Sep 2018 - 19 Sep 2018, Belfast, UK.

(2) Advanced Food Analysis. Poster Presentation: UHPLC analysis of fatty acid epoxides produced by oat peroxygenase. 23 Jan 2017 - 27 Jan 2017, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands.

(3) Contemporary methodologies for analysis and characterization of lipids. Poster Presentation: UHPLC analysis of fatty acid epoxides produced by oat peroxygenase. 23 Aug 2016 - 24 Aug 2016, Stockholm, Sweden.

(4) Schedule of Teaching & Training Program on Food Quality and Food Safety between China-Finland. 13 Jun 2016 - 16 Jun 2016, Beijing, China.

(5) 1st International Symposium on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants. Poster Presentation: Lipid modifying enzymes in oats. 5 Jun 2016 - 7 Jun 2016, Porto, Portugal.

(6) The 32nd Nordic Cereal Congress: Future Food Safety - New Opportunities for Nordic Crops. Poster Presentation: Peroxygenase activity determination in oats. 7 Sep 2015 - 9 Sep 2015, Espoo, Finland.


(1) 中国原子能农学会第十一届会员代表大会暨2023年学术研讨会,2023.08.20,北京.

(2) 中国昆虫学会第十三届青年学者研讨会,2023.07.16-07.17,贵阳.

(3) 2023年粮食安全与食品科技创新国际论坛,2023.10.21-10.22,武汉.

(4) 中国烟草科学数据大会,2023.10.29-10.31,郑州.

(5) 浙江省原子能农学会学术年会,2023.11.24-11.25,新昌.





(1)林筝,黄景延(2021级,园艺)。国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(国创),实施周期:2023.04-2024.03. 结题优秀。

(2)徐子烨,邵宇剑(2021级,农学)。校级SRTP项目,实施周期:2023.04-2024.03. 已结题。









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