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wei wu PhD
Principle Investigator | Doctoral supervisor
2024-09-05 | 381
  • 0571-88981503
  • Zhejiang University Center for Veterinary Science
    • · DNA damage repair and cancer development
    • · Viruses and host DNA damage response
    • · Mechanisms of virus genome stability



研究工作以第一或通讯作者身份在Nature Structural & Molecular Biology,Nature Communications等期刊发表,以共同作者身份在Nature等期刊发表。




1. Wei Wu#, Szymon Aleksander Barwacz, Marisa M. Gonçalves Dinis, Masato T. Kanemaki and Ying Liu#. 2022. Mitotic DNA synthesis in response to replication stress requires the sequential action of DNA polymerases zeta and delta in human cells. Nature Communications. # Corresponding author. Impact factor: 17.69 (第一作者+通讯作者) 

2. Wei Wu, Rahul Bhowmick, Ivan Vogel, Özgün Özer, Roshan S. Thakur, Philipp H. Richter, Liqun Ren, Ian D. Hickson and Ying Liu. 2020. RTEL1 Prevents The Pathological Accumulation Of R-Loops At Difficult-To-Replicate Loci In The Human Genome. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 27:424-437. Impact factor: 18.36

3. Sheroy Minocherhomji, Songmin Ying, Victoria A. Bjerregaard, Sara Bursomanno, Aiste Aleliunaite, Wei Wu, Hocine W. Mankouri, Huahao Shen, Ying Liu & Ian D. Hickson. 2015. Replication stress activates DNA repair synthesis in mitosis. Nature. 10; 528 (7581):286-90. Impact factor: 69.5


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