Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Phone: (+86) 571 8795 3739
Cell#: (+86) 136 4571 7301
Office: Gao-2-520, Hetong Complex Building 7
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University (Zijingang Campus)
Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang, China
Jun LING Ph.D., Professor
B.S. 1997, Ph.D. 2002, Zhejiang University, China
Faculty in Dept. Polym. Sci. & Eng., Zhejiang University since 2002
Humboldt Experienced Researcher,
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, May–Sep 2013
Humboldt Experienced Researcher,
University of Bayreuth, Germany, Jan–Sep 2012
Student (language learning), Goethe Institute, Germany, Nov–Dec 2011
Visiting Scientist, University of Bayreuth, Germany, Nov 2010–Jan 2011
Postdoctoral Research Scholar,
University of Southern California, U.S.A., Sep 2005–Aug 2007
Member of American Chemical Society and Chinese Chemical Society
Editorial Board:
Advances in Polymer Technology (OA) (Sep 2022– )
Materials (MDPI OA journal) (Nov 2021– )
Chinese Chemical Letters (Young member) (Jan 2017–Dec 2021)
Journal of Applied Solution Chemistry and Modeling (2012–2014)
. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, Germany (2011)
. Nominee Award of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, China (2005)
. Introduction to Computational Chemistry
. Polymer Architectures
Research interest
. Living / controlled polymerization methodologies
. Catalysis and rare earth metal catalysts
. Synthesis of polymers with complex topologies
. Design and application of functional polymeric materials
. Monte Carlo simulation in polymer science
. Quantum chemical calculation and molecular modeling
Selected publications
. Ting Shen, Kaihao Chen, Yougen Chen*, Jun Ling*. Ring-opening polymerization of cyclic acetals: strategy for both recyclable and degradable materials. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 44: 202300099 (2023) (Invited Review)
. Botuo Zheng, Tianwen Bai, Xinfeng Tao*, Jun Ling*. An inspection into multifarious ways to synthesize poly(amino acid)s. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 42: 2100453 (2021) (Invited Review)
. Peng Zhou, Ting Shen, Jun Ling*. Synthesis and properties of polypeptoid-containing block copolymers: A review. J. Polym. Sci. 59: 2946-2958 (2021) (Invited Review)
. 邱欢, 李瑶, 白天闻, 凌君*. 两仪聚合——拓扑结构聚合物合成新方法. 高分子学报 50: 1133-1145 (2019) (Invited Review)
. Xinfeng Tao, Min-Hui Li, Jun Ling*. α-Amino acid N-thiocarboxyanhydrides: A novel synthetic approach toward poly(α-amino acid)s. Eur. Polym. J. 109: 16-42 (2018) (Feature Article)
. Alexander Birke, Jun Ling*, Matthias Barz*. Polysarcosine-containing copolymers: Synthesis, characterization, self-assembly, and applications. Prog. Polym. Sci. 81: 163-208 (2018) (Invited Review)
. Jun Ling*, Axel H. E. Müller*. (peer-reviewed book chapter) Core-shell cylindrical polymer brushes with new properties: A mini-review. In Controlled Radical Polymerization: Materials. Eds: Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Brent S. Sumerlin, Nicolay V. Tsarevsky, John Chiefari. ACS Symposium Series 1188, Chapter 9, pp 127-133 (2015)
See "Publications" for more.
Invited lectures in international conferences (selected)
257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, POLY-96, Orlando, FL, USA, 2019
254th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, PMSE-305, Washington DC, USA, 2017
252nd ACS National Meetings & Exposition, POLY-119 & PMSE-10, Philadelphia, PA, USA 2016